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December 2nd , 2022

? ?? Poster Prize for Carina Allacher !

Carina Allacher and Daniel Grenda are currently attending the ICCST-15, the 15th International Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and Tellurium in Florianopolis, Brasil. Carina Allacher's latest results on time-resolved spectroscopy of selenium compounds, a collaboration of the Breder group and ours within the CRC 325, have now gained her a Poster Prize!

In the picture, she is awarded the certificate by Prof. Eder J. Lenard?o (Universidade Federal de Pelotas) and Elizabeth Magalhaes (RSC Brasil).

Congratulations, what a great achievement!

April 14th , 2022

?? ?? new paper in ChemPhotoChem?

Emission dynamics of a super-photoacid in acetoneous environment, comprising signals from four different species. Nice collaboration with Gregor Jung's group in Saarbrücken.


March 23rd -? 25th, 2022

The CRC 325 has its first annual retreat at the Raitenhaslach Monastery. Many beautiful presentations of collaborative research results, and really fruitful discussions for further projects to come.

March 14th -? 18th, 2022

UR's Physical Chemistry I presents 12 contributions (6 talks, 6 posters) at the 85th DPG Spring Meeting, hosted by FAU Erlangen but still held completely virtual this year.


November 29th, 2021

?? ?? new paper in J. Org. Chem.?

Hydrogen-bonding to a cosolvent molecule may influence a thermal isomerization.
Surprisingly, both H-bond donors and H-bond acceptors may slow down this reaction.


October 7th - 8th, 2021

First conference in presence in a long time!

It is a pleasure to meet again and discuss Exploratory Photochemistry: Light Creates Structure at the Leopoldina in Halle.


October 5th - 6th, 2021

The GRK 2620 meets for its Annual Retreat in Tutzing Castle. Inspiring talks by guest speakers C. Thiele, J. Raithova, and H. Mayr, as well as by the GRK students presenting their first results.


September 16th, 2021

?? ?? new paper in Phys Chem Chem Phys?

First paper on the ultrafast dynamics of mixed carbonyl-nitrosyl complexes. Great combination of spectroscopy (Regensburg), synthesis (Uli Schatzschneider, Würzburg) and theory (Leticia González, Vienna).


July 1st, 2021

?? ?? new paper in Chem Eur J?

A joint study with the colleagues from the Kunz group: Alkyl polyethylene oxide carboxylates allow for simple and safe synthesis of polyvalent ionic liquids with ‘naked’ rare earth metals. And they emit!


May 25th, 2021

Fantastic news! The Collaborative Research Centre CRC 325 will be funded by the DFG. We are excited to work on ?Assembly Controlled Chemical Photocatalysis“ with our colleagues from UR, TUM, LMU, and Uni Leipzig.

Press releases: DFG? StMWK Bayern?? UR

May 12th, 2021

Kevin Artmann has won one of the PCCP Poster Prizes at the 120th Bunsen-Tagung for his work on ultrafast spectroscopy of photo-
switchable cages with and without guest molecules

Congratulations !

May 12th, 2021

The 120th Bunsen-Tagung, the first one to be held in a virtual format, has just ended!

More than 150 talks, 200 poster presentations, and a lot of fun discussing recent results!

University of Regensburg? ?? Bunsen Society


March 23rd, 2021

?? ?? new paper in Chem Eur J?

RhI and IrI N‐heterocyclic carbene complexes provide an auspicious class of potential new anticancer agents. Find out how they luminesce and where in a cell.? Great collaboration with Nils Metzler-Nolte's group at Ruhr-Uni Bochum.


March 9th, 2021

?? ?? new paper in Phys Chem Chem Phys?

We look at halogenated imidazolium species and their ability to participate in halogen bonding. Theory by Christof H?ttig's group and time-resolved emission by us provide new insight.


February 26th, 2021

We currently organize the Bunsentagung 2021.

For the first time, it will be all virtual. But with about 350 scientific contributions, it will be as exciting as it used to be.

Look out for news on the conference website

February 22nd, 2021

?? ?? new paper in Phys Chem Chem Phys?

A joint paper with the groups of Lars Sch?fer (Bochum) and Guido Clever (TU Dortmund) on the thermodynamic aspects of guest release from photoswitchable cages.

Ultrafast studies will follow soon!


January 11th, 2021

?? ?? new paper in J Am Chem Soc?

The groups of Ruth Gschwind, Dominik Horinek, and we joined forces to tackle the exciting role of extended hydrogen-bond networks for effective proton-coupled electron transfer reactions.


October 6th, 2020

All 34 lecture videos of the Quantum Mechanics Course for 4th semester students are now available online at the YouTube channel of our Department.

?? YouTube Channel UR Chemie



August 5th, 2020

?? ?? new paper in Angewandte Chemie

Collaboration with Thorsten Bach's group (TUM) on the deracemization of spirocyclopropyl oxindoles. Time-resolved spectroscopy provides mechanistic insights and identifies a long-lived diradical intermediate with a lifetime of 22?s.



July 8th, 2020

?GRK 2620 can start in 2021 !

The German Science Foundation has announced that it will fund the Research Training Group on "Ion Pair Effects in Molecular Reactivity".

? DFG press release??? ??GRK 2620 website



June 25th, 2020

??new paper in J Chem Theory? Computation?

The studies on triazene continue, this time with the effects of biomolecular embedding on photoinduced relaxation processes. A great collaboration the groups of Christof H?ttig (Bochum) and Jacob Kongsted (Odense).


February 10th - 13th, 2020

Carina Allacher, Svenja Wortmann, Fabian Brandl, and Uwe Faltermeier? participate in the 15th Workshop on Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Quantum Control in Austria, presenting their latest results.

?? ?

January 10th, 2020

Our recent work on super-photoacids, in collaboration with the Jung group (Univ. of Saarbrücken),? is accepted for an oral presentation at the Bunsen Society Meeting in April in Gie?en.

Update: Conference cancelled !


December 1st, 2019


The new Springer Handbook of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics will contain a Chapter on "Time-Resolved Molecular Dynamics" by Volker Engel (University of Würzburg) and Patrick Nuernberger.


October 21st, 2019

Prof. Patrick Nürnberger and Prof. Alexander Breder (Organic Chemistry) give their inaugural lectures. The audience of more than 250 people could learn about ultrafast spectroscopy and selenium chemistry in a descriptive fashion, followed by a big party.

Read also the UR press release of the event!


September 20th, 2019

Our work was chosen for the cover of issue 18 of volume 84 (2019) of the Journal of Organic Chemistry!

Journal of Organic Chemistry

September 16th - 19th, 2019

Our group participates in the International Symposium on Confinement-controlled Chemistry, held at the Ruhr-University on Bochum within the framework of the GRK 2376.


Juli 25th, 2019?

??? new paper in Journal of Organic Chemistry

Our new paper on the reaction mechanism of diphenylcarbene in various alcohol/acetonitrile mixtures as well as in water admixtures is out.


Juli 15th, 2019

Prof. Bernhard Dick gives his "farewell lecture" (Abschiedsvorlesung) attended by many students, former and current colleagues and collaborators, and personal friends. The lecture is followed by a big party with barbecue at the chemistry lawn.

Read also the UR press release of the event!

May 30th - June 1st, 2019

The Bunsen Society Meeting 2019 is held in Jena.

We present dynamics studies with TCSPC, fluorescence upconversion, and streak camera measurements for versatile tropylium compounds in solution and solvent mixtures.


April 1st, 2019

Our group moves from Bochum to Regensburg.
We are grateful to all the people in Physical Chemistry and the whole Chemistry Department at the RUB for many fruitful collaborations, the immense support, and a really great time.

  1. Universit?t
  2. Fakult?t für Chemie und Pharmazie

Chair of
Physical Chemistry I



Physical Chemistry I

Secretariat: room CH 22.2.84

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Fax:            0941 943 4488