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Honors program

The Honors Elite degree programs in Business Administration, Economics, and Management Information Systems provide special support for the best students completing the first phase of their Bachelor’s degree.

Studium Honors

In the Master’s degree program, graduates can apply directly for the Master’s degree program with Honors. The students receive ideal preparation for the tasks of business executives, and are introduced to cutting-edge international research. At the same time, the university is more attractive to specially gifted and highly qualified students.

The elite degree programs are of a very ambitious scientific level and also have a practical orientation. The degree programs have been part of the Elite Network of Bavaria since the fall semester of 2004.

You can find more information on the faculty Honors program here. >>>


Faculty of Business, Economics, Management Information Systems


Image Rechtespalte Wiwi 2

Fakult?t für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Universit?t Regensburg
Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg
