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The Bachelor’s degree programs always start in the fall semester. The course offering put together by the faculty provides for a study program that takes six semesters. All examinations, including the Bachelor’s thesis, must be completed during these six semesters.

Studium Bachelor

The study program is divided into phases one and two. The first phase consists of the first three semesters of the study program and teaches the basic principles of the respective subject. This part of the program also serves as an orientation regarding the choice of major in the second phase. The first phase of the study program consists exclusively of groups of mandatory modules.

The second phase of the program, which also takes three semesters, serves to consolidate the basic principles and to specialize. Groups of elective modules are also to be taken in this phase. Management Information Systems students also have to complete a mandatory internship. The Bachelor’s thesis is to be written at the end of the second phase of the study program.


Faculty of Business, Economics, Management Information Systems


Image Rechtespalte Wiwi 2

Fakult?t für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Universit?t Regensburg
Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg
