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Chair of Leadership and Organization - Prof. Dr. Thomas Steger

Schmetzer Frederic
External Doctoral Candidates

Frederic Schmetzer


Frederic Schmetzer studied Business Administration at the University of Mannheim.

His focus of studies was on Human Resource Management, Organisation and Psychology. In addition, he passed his Bachelor degree in Business at the University of the West of Scotland. During his studies Mr. Schmetzer gained practical experiences in HR-departments of several companies especially in the fields HR-consulting, personnel/management development as well as employer branding. Furthermore, he used the results of his diploma thesis “Factors Influencing Retention auf Qualified Interns” to support several companies, belonging to different sectors of business from chemistry to the logistics industry, regarding the implementation and optimization of their Talent-Relationship-Management focused on interns.

After his studies Frederic Schmetzer entered the Junior-Managers-Program of his current employer BSH Bosch and Siemens Home Appliances in Munich. After finishing the program successfully, he moved to the factory site located in Traunreut where he started as an HR-Manager. Since 2012 he has been taking over the position of Head HR Factory Traunreut responsible for the consultation of a total number of 650 employees in terms of all HR-activities. On top of that, he is responsible for HR-controlling, commercial apprenticeship and dual studies as well as expatriation management.

Research Topics

Frederic Schmezter is external doctoral candidate at the Chair of Professor Steger. His research is focused on talent management with special interest on talent pools within the conflict of global-local adjustment.



University of Regensburg
Faculty of Business, Economics and Management Information Systems | Chair of Leadership and Organization

Team Quadrat

Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg

Phone +49 941 943-2680
Fax +49 941 943-4206
e-mail: sekretariat.fo[AT]ur.de