Summer term
Prior or parallel attendance of the module Quantitative Methods for Digital Production Management is a prerequisite for successful participation.
Electives modul
The decision making in digitized production systems is often supported by software implementations of optimization algorithms. The course provides an overview of
scientific programming using the example of the programming language Python and optimization algorithms known from the module Quantitative Methods for Digital Production Management. In particular, the following contents are covered:
After completing the module, students will be able to understand and extend existing programs of optimization algorithms as well as program new approaches for solving business optimization problems.
The students know how functions from standard libraries can be integrated. The students are able to use sensitivity analyses to gain managerial insights regarding realistic planning problems.
Midterm exams, case studies
Prof. Dr. Justus Arne Schwarz
Stefanie Heitzer
Building: RW(S) Room: 142
Tel.: +49 (0)941 943 - 2277
Fax: +49 (0)941 943 - 2828