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Statistics 1 for business, economics and management information systems

Winter Term 2024/25

Statistics 1 (22 013)

Prof. Dr. Daniel R?sch

Thursday, 12.00 - 13.30:?

Registration for the course is via SPUR

Tutorial Statistics 1 (22 014)

Instructors: Dorsch Kilian, Pietruska Markus, Heimburger Ellen

Software course on applied statistics (22 976)

Instructor: Igor Honig

Detailed course description: German, English

Summer Term 2024

Tutorial Statistics 1 (22 024)

Instructor: Heimburger Ellen

Detailed course desription: here


  1. Faculty of Business, Economics and Management Information Systems
  2. Department of Business Administration

Chair of Statistics and Risk Management

Full Professor

Prof. Dr. Daniel R?sch

Room RW(S) 214

Phone +49 941 943-2588
Fax +49 941 943-4936
