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Applied Data Science

This course is regularly offered during the summer term.

Applied Data Science (22 154)

Prof. Dr. Daniel R?sch

Wednesday 12 - 14


Tutorial Applied Data Science (22 155)

Instructor: Matthias Nagl

Thursday 18 - 20 / H4

Start: 18.04.2024

Topics of course:

  • Estimation theory
  • Statistical modeling and applied regression analysis
  • Introduction to Data Science (supervised and unsupervised learning)

Results of previous semesters

Semester Average course grade
SoSe 2021 1,85
SoSe 2022 2,25
SoSe 2023 1,30

Detailed course description: here
  1. Faculty of Business, Economics and Management Information Systems
  2. Department of Business Administration

Chair of Statistics and Risk Management

Prof. Dr. Daniel R?sch

Room RW(S) 214

Phone +49 941 943-2588
Fax +49 941 943-4936
