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Kewir Nyuyki



In my PHD thesis I am studying the effects of chronic psychosocial stress on genetic predisposition, with keen interest on a rodent model (HAB/LAB) of mood disorders (anxiety and depression). I look forward to understanding the neurobiological mechanisms which underlie their differences in stress response.



2008 - present
PhD student in Dr. Reber's Chronic Stress Group (Prof. Neumann?s Lab) at the University of Regensburg

M Sc. in Experimental and Clinical Neurosciences (ECN) at the university of Regensburg, Germany (Master thesis: Effects of mating on emotionality, stress-coping behaviour, neuroendocrine and stress-induced neuronal activity in male Wistar rats).

Tutor of Biology and Chemistry at the Saint Sylvester’s Catholic College Sop, Cameroon

Laboratory Technician at the Good Samaritan Polyclinic Bamenda, Cameroon

Undergraduate studies in Biochemistry and Medical Laboratory Technology at the University of Buea, Cameroon



Uschold-Schmidt, N., Nyuyki, K.D., Füchsl, A.M., Neumann, I.D., Reber, S.O., 2012. Chronic psychosocial stress results in sensitization of the hpa axis to acute heterotypic stressors despite a reduction of adrenal in vitro acth responsiveness. Psychoneuroendocrinology 37, 1676-1687.

Nyuyki, K.D., Maloumby, R., Reber, S.O., Neumann, I.D., 2012. Comparison of corticosterone responses to acute stressors: Chronic jugular vein versus trunk blood samples in mice. Stress [E-Pub ahead of print].

Nyuyki KD, Waldherr M, Baeuml S, Neumann ID. Yes, i am ready now: differential effects of paced versus unpaced mating on anxiety and central oxytocin release in female rats. PLoS One 6(8):e23599.

Waldherr M, Nyuyki KD, Maloumby R, Bosch OJ, Neumann ID. Attenuation of the neuronal stress responsiveness and corticotrophin releasing hormone synthesis after sexual activity in male rats. Horm Behav. 57(2):222-9.

Landgrebe M, Nyuyki KD, Frank E, Steffens T, Hauser S, Eichhammer P, Hajak G, Langguth B. Effects of colour exposure on auditory and somatosensory perception--hints for cross-modal plasticity.

  1. Fakult?ten
  2. Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin

Kewir Nyuyki


Bio 3.2.09
Tel. +49-941-943-3118
