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Helena Wolf (geb. Artinger)

Building PT 4.2.37

Normaly the Secretary's Office is open on Tuesday and Wednesday during the semester.

You are welcome to contact us by e-mail: helena1.wolf@ur.de

Mailing Address:
Professur für Pastoraltheologie und Homiletik
Fakult?t für Katholische Theologie
Universit?t Regensburg
93040 Regensburg

Pastoral Theology and Homiletics

Prof.in Dr. Ute Leimgruber

Glass window by Sigmar Polke, Gro?münster Zürich

Photo (c) Ute Leimgruber

Building PT 4.2.37
Phone (0941) 943-3741
Fax (0941) 943-4737

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