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General Advisory Service

The General Student Advisory Service supports you with all questions regarding your studies and, if necessary, also refers you to the right contact person.

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Possible topics:

  • Study options, study decision
  • Application, enrollment, aptitude test procedure
  • Subject requirements, study structures and degrees
  • Course of studies, doubts about the choice of studies
  • Change of study or location, dropping out
  • Problems with exams
  • Studying with children
  • Postgraduate and advanced courses of study
  • Transition to professional life

To get in touch with us, please follow this link: CONTACT DETAILS

In addition, you can also contact the Psychological-Psychotherapeutic Counseling or the Parent-Specific Student Counseling.

If you need information about financing, housing or the student cafeteria, please contact the Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz.


Advisory Service

You've got a question?
Phone us: 0941 943-5544
Mon & Wed 10-1 am,
Tue & Thu 1-3 pm


ZSB Location

Secretary's Office

Please contact us via:
Phone +49 941 943-2219
or E-Mail