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Affiliates and Associates

Dr. Bryonn Bain, artist and activist, Founding Professor of the Prison Education Program at NYU, New York, New York, USA

Prof. Dr. Astrid B?ger, American Studies, U Hamburg, Germany

Center for Comparative Native and Indigenous Studies; Prof. Dr. Mita Banerjee, American Studies, Johannes Gutenberg U Mainz, Germany

Prof. Dr. Meiling Cheng, Associate Professor, Director of Critical Studies, U of Southern California

Prof. Dr. Birgit D?wes, Chair of American Studies / Director of the Center for Canadian Studies, University of Vienna

DFG Reinhart Koselleck Projekt: Global Theater Histories; Prof. Dr. Chris Balme and Dr. Nic Leonhardt, Theatre Studies, LMU Munich, Germany

Dr. Dorothea Gail, American Studies, Johannes Gutenberg U Mainz [DFG Project "Between Authenticity and the Market: Music, Subculture, and Values in the United States since the 1970s"]

Dr. Benita Heiskanen, Director, John Morton Center for North American Studies, U of Turku, Finland

Prof. Dr. Hsinya Huang, Dean, College of Arts and Humanities, Professor of American and Comparative Literature, National Sun Yat-sen University,Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Sabrina Huettner, M.A. / PhD candidate, American Studies, U Würzburg, Germany

Institut für Theaterwissenschaft; Prof. Dr. Friedemann Kreuder, Johannes Gutenberg U Mainz, Germany

Prof. Dr. Shannon Jackson, Theater, Dance & Performance Studies, U of California, Berkeley, California, USA

Prof. Dr. Peter Marx, Theatre Studies, U K?ln, Germany

Stuart Noble, PhD candidate, Center for Transnational American Studies, U of Copenhagen, Denmark

Prof. Dr. Heike Paul, American Studies, Friedrich-Alexander-U Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Prof. Dr. Tomá? Pospí?il, Center for North American Studies, Masaryk U, Brno, Czech Republic

Prof. Dr. Wilfried Raussert, Center for InterAmerican Studies, U Bielefeld, Germany

Regensburg European American Forum REAF; Prof. Dr. Udo Hebel, Director REAF, U Regensburg

Prof. Dr. David Román, Professor of English, American Studies, and Ethnicity, U of Southern California, USA

Prof. Dr. John Carlos Rowe, Associates Chair in Humanities; Professor of English and American Studies and Ethnicity, U of Southern California

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schmidt, American Studies, U Eichst?tt-Ingolstadt, Germany

Prof. Dr. Barry Shank, Comparative Studies, Ohio State U, Germany

Prof. Dr. Werner Sollors, African and African American Studies, Harvard U, Cambridge, MA, USA

Dr. Gyorgy Toth, American Studies, U?of Stirling, UK

Prof. Dr. Katharina Vester, Dir. of American Studies, Dpt. of History, American U, Washington DC. USA

Florian Weinzierl, American Studies, Vocal/Musical Director and Performer at UR Musical/UR Stage Club, Regensburg U, Germany
