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a complete list of publications can be obtained from inSPIRE (hep) via this link

Selected publications

Selected talks

  • Struktur der Hadronen und QCD-Simulationen auf dem Gitter, Hauptvortrag, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, FV Hadronen und Kerne, Bonn 2010
  • Light hadron masses and decay constants, invited plenary talk at Lattice 2009, Beijing
  • Delta m_K, epsilon_K, epsilon’/epsilon, B_K, invited talk at at CKM 2008, Rome
  • Physical results from 2+1 flavor Domain Wall QCD and chiral perturbation theory, invited talk at ECT* workshop “Perspectives and challenges in lattice QCD”, Trento 2008

  1. Universit?t

Physics Faculty


Enno E. Scholz

(Akad. Rat)



PHY 4.1.09

fon: +49-941-943-2526

Office hours: during lecture period: Thu 9:00am otherwise by appointment