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Strengthening scientific training in the study of medicine

4th clinical semester "Scientific Thinking and Action" (PROWISS PROjekt- und WISSenschafts-Semester = Project and Science semester)

PROWISS enables students of medicine to familiarise themselves in depth with their future role as specialist scientists with scientific thinking and acting and in this form follows the recommendations of the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat WR) (1)?and also addresses the recommendations for safeguarding good scientific practice of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) (2).

Within this framework, all students write a scientific paper or work on a scientific project, which they can then pursue further.

For the students, this strengthens and intensifies the scientific training during their studies. For the chairs and departments of the faculty it opens up more opportunities to work on projects involving student participation, thus giving students a much greater chance than before to pursue their inclinations for research with sound training at a much earlier stage.

Supplementary information:

(1) WR; Recommendations for the further development of the study of medicine in Germany based on a review of model study programs in human medicine, Drs. 4017-14, Dresden, June 2014

(2) DFG; Safeguarding good scientific practice: Recommendations of the Commission "Self-Regulation in Science", Published Online: 25 OCT 2013, DOI: 10.1002/9783527679188.ch1, Wiley - VCH Verlag


Achievement of competence: "The student knows the fundamentals and methodological basis of scientific thinking, working and acting. This also includes the application of available scientific knowledge to the treatment of individual patients"


  • Start of a doctoral thesis or a scientific project
  • Compulsory lecture series: "Good Scientific Practice", theory of medicine, image of man, statistics, plagiarism, literature research. No more than 10% or one course day may be missed; there is a written examination at the end.
  • In planning: mandatory seminars in the semester ("Critical thinking in medicine", "Methodological basics of scientific work")

It is not possible to attend other mandatory courses in the curriculum during the PROWISS semester.


The courses described above should be completed in compact form in the 4th clinical (PROWISS) semester. Attendance of the compulsory lecture series and the designed seminars before the 4th clinical semester with proof of performance is possible in justified cases (justifiable early start of a doctoral thesis, serious scheduling conflicts, PROWISS abroad). For an assessment regarding this, please contact studiendekanat.medizin[at]ur.de.

Proof of performance/"Scheinvergabe"

  • Proof of regular participation in the compulsory lecture series "Good Scientific Practice"
  • Passing the written exam on the topics of the compulsory lecture series (no grades awarded, only passing grade)
  • Submission of an activity report in German or English on the scientific project/status of the doctoral thesis at the end of the semester as well as the supervisor's evaluation form. This must be submitted by the student ?as a PDF in the respective GRIPS course on PROWISS by March 31 in the winter semester and by September 30 in the summer semester.

The proof of achievement is linked to the achievements already made for the cross-sectional subject "History, theory and ethics".

PROWISS at another national or international institution

Completing the PROWISS semester at another national or international university is possible and subject to the following conditions:

  • Supervision: The cooperation with another institution must be carried out and secured through a supervisor from the University of Regensburg. Through the scientific collaboration between a "site supervisor" and a supervisor at another university, a specific activity (project, doctorate) can be carried out/initiated in terms of time and content. The application for this project must be approved by the "site supervisor" and the activity report must be evaluated and signed by him/her. For an assessment of the application, please contact studiendekanat.medizin[at]ur.de. Regarding the recognition of a publication as a doctoral thesis, which was created at other national or international universities, the conditions laid down in the doctoral regulations apply. If the project is a doctorate, the "site supervisor" at the University of Regensburg must be a full-time university lecturer in the service of the Free State of Bavaria AND the external supervisor must also be a university lecturer.

  • Accompanying PROWISS courses: If PROWISS is completed at another institution, it is possible to attend the accompanying courses beforehand and provide proof of performance for them, subject to the corresponding application obligation. Splitting the attendance of the accompanying PROWISS courses over several semesters is not advisable for organizational and content-related reasons.

Certificates of equivalence

Application for recognition of prior learning (docx/pdf - in German)

As the PROWISS semester is not offered in this form by other medical faculties, the recognition of equivalence certificates is linked to a special examination: Previously acquired Master's degrees can be recognized after verification by the Office of the Dean of Studies. In individual cases, a review is carried out by the Dean of Studies or by persons appointed by him. The application for recognition must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Dean of Studies, together with all documents supporting the application.

PROWISS and doctorate

If the PROWISS semester is used to work on a doctoral?thesis, in addition to registering for the PROWISS semester, the doctoral thesis must be registered at the Doctoral Office of the Faculty of Medicine within three months of starting work on the thesis. Forms for the registration of a scientific thesis, including a list of the documents to be submitted, are available on the?Faculty of Medicine's website under Doctoral Degree in Medicine (Dr. med.) or Dentistry (Dr. med. dent.)? as well as the obligatory doctoral supervision agreement and a template exposé.

Furthermore, doctoral projects started after 01.01.2017 must also be registered in accordance with the Higher Education Statistics Act (Hochschulstatistikgesetz). The Doctoral Office will be happy to provide you with further information.

Submission and defense of the thesis are only possible after graduation in medicine/dentistry.


In order to ensure that this semester runs smoothly, we kindly ask you to register for PROWISS as soon as possible, by February 28 at the latest for the summer semester and by August 31 at the latest for the winter semester.

Registration for PROWISS must be completed on time via GRIPS.

Project report / Interim report

At the end of the semester, a project report with research documents (for project work) or an interim report with research documents (for doctorates) must be prepared. In this report, you briefly present your work, describe activities and results during PROWISS and, depending on the status of your work, give an outlook on your further scientific activities. The report must be submitted to and evaluated by the supervisor. Please use the registration form for submitting the project report available under downloads.

The deadline for the notification of grades by the supervisor to the Office of the Dean of Studies is March 31 in the winter semester and September 30 in the summer semester.

The project report/interim report and the evaluation form must be submitted by the student as a PDF in the GRIPS course for PROWISS by March 31 in the winter semester and by September 30 in the summer semester.

The grades are reported to the Office of the Dean of Studies by the supervisor on the dates specified and can also be submitted by the students themselves.

Each report must be provided with a cover sheet. Please only use the template available under downloads.

The external form of the project report should be based on the guidelines for writing doctoral theses (see downloads). The report should be written in a scientific style.


Contact us

PROWISS representative of the faculty

Prof. Dr. med. Michael Arzt

Schlafmedizinisches Zentrum der
Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin II
Universit?tsklinikum Regensburg


Answers to frequently asked questions

How many pages should the report contain?

The report must be at least 10-15 pages long.

The cover sheet has 4 pages - do these also count towards the length?

No. The 4-page cover sheet should not be numbered and is not included in the page count of 10-15 pages.

How should I deal with citations?

Please cite all references in accordance with the guidelines for writing doctoral theses.

Can I include parts of my doctoral thesis in the interim report?

The interim report may contain content from the doctoral thesis, but should be structured accordingly so that the topic is contextualized and previous and further research work is clearly presented. In this case, it makes sense to include a note.

I have published a scientific article. Is this sufficient as an interim report?

The interim report for a doctorate as well as the report on a research project may also contain the text of a publication or the manuscript of a planned publication (possibly also as an appendix), provided that the student is the first author of the publication.

However, the report should have an appropriate structure so that the topic is contextualized and previous and further research work is clearly presented.
If the article has not yet been accepted, it is useful to include a note and the citation of your publication or details of the review process.

I have completed my doctoral thesis.
Can I submit the current status instead of an interim report?

Yes and no. However, please also write a summary of the interim report with a cover sheet and a brief outline of the finalization of your doctoral project as well as a note on the completion of your written thesis. Whether this must be enclosed with the report should be clarified individually.

Can there be accusations of plagiarism if parts of the later doctoral thesis appear in the interim report?

No, because the report is purely internal and therefore cannot be equated with a scientific publication. A note is recommended.

Are the project reports or interim reports published?

No. The project report is first submitted to the supervisor for evaluation and then only sent to the Office of the Dean of Studies for archiving.

I am working on a completely new topic and therefore have reservations about reporting my results.

As the interim reports must be kept for documentation purposes only and no results are published, you do not need to have any concerns.

Study of Human Medicine

UR - University of Regensburg
Faculty of Medicine

University Hospital
Franz-Josef-Strau?-Allee 11
93053 Regensburg