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Study abroad

There are various opportunities for students of medicine to spend part of their studies abroad and gain international experience.

Information and advice

International Office of the University of Regensburg

Semester abroad

The International Office of the University of Regensburg manages various ERASMUS exchange programmes that offer Regensburg medical students the opportunity to study at a partner university in Europe for one or two semesters with ERASMUS funding. You can easily find the programme via the search engine on the International Office website.
In addition, interested students can also apply for a study stay at a desired university in Europe or overseas on their own initiative. However, it should be noted that not all universities accept students without a degree intention and that tuition fees are often charged.

Exchange programmes of the Faculty of Medicine

Selection criteria for exchange programmes EN (pdf)

Application form PJ abroad EN (docx/pdf)

Information Sheet PJ EN

Application form clinical traineeship abroad EN (docx/pdf)

Information sheet clinical traineeship EN

Self-disclosure form faculty programmes EN

Information sheet for exchange students of the Faculty of Medicine programme EN (pdf)

Please note that you should include corresponding documentation for all submitted materials related to your application for the exchange programme.

Language proficiency requirements

The language proficiency requirement of the Faculty of Medicine for outgoing students is at least level B2 (according to CEFR)* in order to ensure an instructive stay abroad. The language level is determined either

a) via an appropriate language certificate (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge certificate or
VersantTM Placement Test (VEPT; link); for detailed information see information sheet PJ (DE) / information sheet clinical traineeship (DE)


b) via the high school diploma (Abiturzeugnis):

Language proficiency can be credited through the high school diploma if

  • it is not older than 3 years and the language level is explicitly stated or
  • if the high school diploma is not older than 3 years and the language level is not explicitly stated, then a free assessment of language proficiency will be done by the Office of the Dean of Studies.

* Language proficiency is defined according to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference)

Clinical traineeship (Famulatur)

Clinical traineeships abroad are usually organized by students themselves. The Federal Representation of Medical Students in Germany (Bundesvertretung der Medizinstudierenden in Deutschland e. V. bvmd) provides information and assistance in organising clinical stays.

Information sheet clinical traineeship EN

Practical year (Praktisches Jahr PJ)

Students of medicine also have the opportunity to complete parts of their practical year (Praktisches Jahr PJ) or the entire practical year abroad. The organization of PJ stays is largely done by the students themselves. As in Germany, it is only possible to complete the PJ abroad at universities and university teaching hospitals.

The Faculty of Medicine offers some spots for clinical traineeships or PJ stays at partner universities as part of its exchange programme. If you are planning a PJ tertial abroad in Europe or outside Europe, you can find information on funding opportunities (via the ERASMUS internship programme or the PROMOS programme) here:

Information Sheet PJ EN

Recognition of achievements abroad

Before departure: Course planning form (Erasmus+ and overseas students)

If you achieve credits during your exchange abroad, these may also be recognised at the University of Regensburg after your return. In order to have these achievements recognised, they must be checked and approved in advance by the course coordinator of the respective chair. To do this, students must complete the so-called course planning form and have it signed by the responsible course coordinators.

The Faculty of Medicine operates, unlike other faculties at the University of Regensburg, with a paper based course planning document, not with the digital course planning form in LUCOM.

Course planning form DE

Before departure: Learning Agreement (Erasmus+ students only)

ERASMUS+ students must also create a Learning Agreement in addition to the course planning form. Once you have received all the required approvals from the teaching coordinators on the course planning form, transfer the planned credits to your Learning Agreement. Depending on the host institution, this will be an Online Learning Agreement (OLA) or a paper/pdf version. You will be informed about this in due time by the International Office. Subsequently, send the course planning forms including all approvals to Mr Schwarz or Dr Himmel and ask for approval of your Learning Agreement.

After your return

After your return, the relevant chairs at the Faculty of Medicine will issue certificates of equivalence in the scope of the discussed course planning forms or Learning Agreements. These must be submitted to the State Examination Office of Upper Bavaria (Landesprüfungsamt Oberbayern) in order to complete the recognition process: https://www.regierung.oberbayern.bayern.de/ueber_uns/zentralezustaendigkeiten/landespruefungsamt/index.html

If you are planning your stay abroad via other funding programmes, please inform yourself individually about the organisational formalities.

You can find contact details for course coordinators in the corresponding semester information course on Grips: https://elearning.uni-regensburg.de/course/view.php?id=32049

Further information can also be found on the website of the International Office: /international/outgoings/wege-ins-ausland/anerkennung-von-leistungen/vor-abreise/index.html

Exchange Programmes

UR - University of Regensburg
Faculty of Medicine

University Hospital
Franz-Josef-Strau?-Allee 11
93053 Regensburg