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Teaching and Research Unit General Medicine

The UR Teaching and Research Unit for General Medicine "Allmed" is housed at the Faculty of Medicine at the University Hospital. It is responsible for teaching general medicine and works on projects in the field of health services research.


Teaching is carried out in lectures, courses and seminars by the lecturers (Lehrbeauftragte). Typical contents and tasks of general medicine are taught. The focus is on presenting the work of general practitioners and family doctors.

Furthermore, selected teaching practices with 128 teaching physicians from the Eastern Bavarian region participate in the teaching in order to bring the subject of general medicine closer to the students, especially in practice. This takes place in a two-week compulsory block internship.

The training during the practical year takes place in appropriately qualified and selected practices.


Within the framework of health services research, questions and topics from the field of general medicine are dealt with. This takes place in close cooperation with Medical Sociology at the Institute for Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. In addition, there are scientific cooperations within the hospital with corresponding links to the clinical-theoretical institutes.

Contact us

Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragter) General Medicine

Prof. Dr. med. Carl Rauscher

Portrait Prof. Dr. Rauscher


Karin Christoph

Building A2, room 4.14
phone +49 941 944-6081, fax +49 941 944-6085

Faculty of Medicine

UR - University of Regensburg
Faculty of Medicine

University Hospital
Franz-Josef-Strau?-Allee 11
93053 Regensburg