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the GAMM Activity Group

"Analysis of Partial Differential Equations"

Partial differential equations play a fundamental role in the formulation of mathematical models in the sciences. New developments and model classes usually lead to new classes of partial differential equations and new mathematical questions. On one hand a rigorous understanding of the mathematical properties is important for the qualitative evaluation of the models. On the other hand it is the basis for the development of efficient and reliable numerical methods and the treatment of concrete problems in applications.

This activity group was founded in March 2013 on the GAMM annual meeting in Novi Sad. The goal of this group is to strenghten in the cooperation of mathematicians working in the area of analysis of PDEs.

Spokesperson: Dorothee Knees (University of Kassel)
Deputy Spokespersons: Helmut Abels (University of Regensburg) , Caroline Kreisbeck (KU Eichst?tt-Ingolstadt)

Statues of the GAMM-Activity Group "Analysis of Partial Differential Equations"

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GAMM Activity Group