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Lectures in Regensburg

Winter 23/24 Introduction to Geometric Measure Theory

Lectures and?Seminars in Bonn

Winter 23/24 Ringvorlesung Frontiers in Economics and Mathematics
Summer 2023 The Gradient Flow Structure of Mean Curvature Flow (Heidelberg)
Summer 2023 Graduate Seminar?on Understanding Data via PDEs
Winter 22/23 Graduate Course on?Variational Problems in Machine Learning
Summer 2022 Master's Thesis Seminar on?Mean Curvature Flow
Winter 21/22 Graduate Course on Gradient Flows
Summer 2021 Graduate Seminar on Weak Convergence Methods
Master's Thesis Seminar on?Geometric Flows
Winter 20/21 Graduate Course on Mean Curvature Flow
Summer 2020 ??? Graduate Course on Geometric Measure Theory
Winter 19/20 ??? Graduate Seminar on Homogenization of PDEs

Lectures at UC Berkeley

Fall 2019 ??? Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
Spring 2019 ??? Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
Fall 2018 ??? Introduction to Complex Analysis (Streams 1 and 3)
Fall 2018 ??? Introduction to Partial Differential Equations (moved to Spring 2019)
Spring 2018 ??? Introduction to Complex Analysis (Streams 3 and 4)
Fall 2017 ??? Introduction to Analysis


PhD students 1 completed, 1 current student?(U Bonn); 2 current co-advised students (U Bonn)
Master's theses 6 completed, 1 current?student?(U Bonn)
Bachelor's theses ??? 1 completed honor's thesis (UC Berkeley)
Directed reading course ??? Directed reading course on?Calculus of Variations (UC Berkeley)

Teaching at MPI?Leipzig

Summer 2013 ??? Seminar: Tools in Analysis
MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences; co-organized with Theresa Simon

Mentor for Analysis at RWTH Aachen

Summer 2011 ??? Mentoring of the best mathematics students in their second semester

Tutor for Exercise Classes at RWTH Aachen

Winter 12/13 ??? Calculus of Variations
Summer 2012 ??? Advanced Mathematics for Engineers
Winter 11/12 ??? Analysis 3
Winter 10/11 ??? Analysis 1
Summer 2010 ??? Foundations of Mathematics
Winter 09/10 ??? Analysis for Computer Scientists

Teaching Assistant for Mathematics Preparatory Classes at RWTH Aachen

Fall 2011 ??? For Mechanical Engineers
Fall 2009 ??? For Geoscientists and Materials Scientists


Fall 2023 Interview at the podcast Literaturrundschau covering?my research on the MBO scheme for data clustering doi:10.22032/dbt.59076
Fall 2022 Public lecture at?regional award ceremony,?Bonn,?Mathematics Olympiad 2022/2023
Fall 2022 I organized one day of our?Schüler*innen Woche?during which motivated high school students?attend mathematics lectures at the University of Bonn.
Spring?2022 Organization of master's information event
Fall 2009 ??? I gave the lecture “The Isoperimetric Problem and Related Topics in the Calculus of Variations” in an annual series of lectures for high school students visiting RWTH Aachen University.

Faculty of Mathematics

Prof. Dr. Tim Laux


Prof. Dr. Tim Laux
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Regensburg

+49 228 / 73-62225