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Workshop "Analysis of Fluid and Elastic Bodies Interactions"

April 11 - 13, 2022, University of Regensburg and online via Zoom.

"Partial differential equations from fluid mechanics and elasticity theory as well as their interactions play an important role in mathematics and in applications in the natural and engineering sciences. In recent years, due to the strong coupling, various kinds of models and methods have been developed and analyzed to understand fluid-structure interaction problems. The workshop focuses on the analysis of PDEs describing the interaction of viscous flow and elastic bodies. It is supported by the DFG Research Training Group Interfaces, Complex Structures and Singular Limits."

Plenary speakers:

Contributed Talks: There is a limited number of contributed talks of 25 minutes available. Applications with a title and abstract shall be sent until March 20 via e-mail, cf. registration.


Helmut Abels (University of Regensburg),?Yadong Liu (University of Regensburg),
Maria Neuss-Radu (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)

Workshop "Analysis of Fluid and Elastic Bodies Interactions"