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Book sales

In the physics reading room you can purchase selected specialist literature during service hours:

Books with up to 200 pages for 1,- €
Books of 200 pages or more for 2,- €

Contact Persons


E-mail: tb.mathphys@uni-regensburg.de

Subject librarian

Dr. Gernot Deinzer

Dr. Gernot Deinzer

Physics, Room 9.2.07 (access via 9.2.06),?URwalking
Phone 0941 943-2759

Departmental librarian

Cornelia Krellner

Cornelia Krellner

Physics, Room 9.2.06,?URwalking
Phone 0941 943-2807

Library employee

Christa Ro?mann

Christa Ro?mann

Physics, Room 9.2.06,?URwalking
Phone 0941 943-2807

Short Introduction

Collection profile

The University Library of Regensburg acquires literature on all areas of physics. The main focus is on current study and research literature. Textbooks and reference works ( lexica, encyclopaedias, handbooks, language dictionaries) on all sub-disciplines of physics represented at the University Library are acquired, as well as literature on research foci at the University and monographs on important individual topics. At present, 125 journals in printed form are kept up to date. The conventional literature is increasingly supplemented by electronic media. Thus the university library now offers access to more than 1,400 electronic journals (yellow and green dot in the electronic journal library EZB) and various literature databases in the field of physics.

Within the scope of its financial possibilities, the University Library of Regensburg always tries to acquire the literature you need. Please inform us about your acquisition suggestions.

Locations for physics literature

  • The reference collection on physics is mainly located in the physics sublibrary (first floor physics building, URwalking). Here the current stock of scientific literature for study and research as well as the current journals are kept available. The holdings are freely accessible and intended for use in the reading room (reference use).
  • Older or less frequently used literature and works requiring special protection are stored in the central holdings (Magazin) and must be ordered for borrowing via the Regensburg Catalogue plus.
  • Textbooks: Literature that is of fundamental importance for study and is needed for lectures or seminars, for example, is usually placed in the reading room at the beginning of the corresponding sub-discipline of the systematic. In the textbook collection of the Central Library these textbooks are also available in larger numbers. The books from the textbook collection can be borrowed for 4 weeks. Please inform us if important textbooks are not available or not available in sufficient quantities.


Finding Literature and Media

Acquisition Suggestions

Subsections of the physics sublibrary

In the reading room Physics (as in all other reading rooms of the Regensburg University Library including the textbook collection) the books are arranged systematically according to subject areas, i.e. all works on a certain topic are placed next to each other. You can get an overview of the existing holdings by "browsing" the shelf.

Subsection Description
UA 1000 - UA 1210 Abstracting journals
UA 1230 - UA 9999 Periodicals
UB General reference works, bibliographies, history and philosophy of physics
UC Encyclopedias and Textbooks
UD congresses, summer schools, cohesive series
UF mechanics, continuum mechanics, hydrodynamics, theory of vibrations
UG Thermodynamics, statistical physics, quantum statistics
UH 1000 - UH 4000 Classical fields, electricity, optics, quantum optics, laser, theory of relativity
UH 5000 - UH 5500 Physical optics
UH 5600 - UH 8700??? Quantum optics, laser and molecular theory, quantum electronics
UK Quantum Theory, Quantum Mechanics
UL Many-particle theory
UM Atomic and molecular physics
UN Nuclear Physics
UO Elementary particle physics, physics of fields and high energy physics
UP 1000 - UQ 5600 Solid state physics
UQ 6000 - UQ 6800 Mineralogy
UQ 7000 - UQ 7740 Metallurgy, metals and alloys
UQ 8000 - UQ 8800 Materials science
UR structure of liquids, physics of gases, plasma physics
US Astronomy, Astrophysics
UT 1000 - UT 6600 Geophysics
UT 8000 - UT 8600 Meteorology
UT 9000 - UT 9800 Physics and chemistry of air pollution and aerosols
UV polymer physics
UX Experimental methods of physics and physical technology

Important shelfmark beginnings for physicists

Local identifier Locations
00 Central holdings in the Central library (Magazin)
17 Textbook collection of the Central Library
23/SA-SP Dissertations in the field of mathematics (in the central holdings)
23/U Dissertations in the field of physics (in the central holdings)
80 Mathematics
8001 CD-ROMs and floppy disks in the reading room Mathematics (available at the supervision desk)
82 General natural science (in the physics reading room), monographs on computer science, journals on general natural science
84 Physics
8401 CD-ROMs and diskettes in the physics reading room (available at the supervision desk)

Subject-specific weblinks for physicists

  1. Homepage UR

University Library

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