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Biology and Pre-clinical Medicine

Contact Persons

Subject librarian

Dr. Brigitte Do?

Portrait Brigitte Do?

Biology, Room 2.1.17,?URwalking
Phone 0941 943-4493
E-Mail:?brigitte.doss@ur.de? / biologie.ub@ur.de

Departmental librarian

Lena Dirnberger

Lena Dirnberger

Biology, Room 2.1.17,?URwalking
Phone: 0941 943-2989
E-Mail:?lena.dirnberger@ur.de? /?biologie.ub@ur.de

Acquisition suggestions

Are you missing a book or other media? You can make a purchase suggestion using the following link:


Maps, Opening Hours

Site plans

Site plans of the?subject reading rooms

A 3D overview plan shows the reading rooms in the respective faculty buildings.

More detailed floor plans provide you with information about the accesses within the respective building when you click on them.

Reading rooms with subject allocation

Vorschaubild Leses?le

Overview of the reading rooms (PDF) with subject allocation.

Sketch of the Reading Room Biology

Skizze Teilbibliothek Biologie

Sketch of the biology library?(PDF)

Opening hours of the Reading Room Biology

Monday - Friday : 08:00-20:00

Differing opening times will be announced on the homepage (opening hours).

Short introduction

Media inventory

  • current scientific monographs for study and research
  • about 35 subscribed printed journals
  • approximately 5,000 electronically available journals

Reading room

  • 118 workstations
  • 2 PCs for research in the Regensburg catalog plus
  • 4 PCs for Internet research
  • 1 copy machine (here you will find information about copying on campus)
  • 1 scanner (free scanning with personal USB stick)

Media inventory

The University Library of Regensburg acquires literature on all areas of biology. The main focus is on current study and research literature. Textbooks and reference works (lexica, encyclopaedias, handbooks, language dictionaries) on all sub-disciplines of biology represented at the University Library are acquired, as well as literature on research foci at the University and monographs on important individual topics.

Currently circa 35 journals in printed form are kept up to date. The conventional literature is increasingly supplemented by electronic media.

In the field of biology, for example, the university library now offers access to approximately 5,000 electronic journals (yellow and green dot in the Electronic Journals Library) and various literature databases in the field of biology.

Locations for biology literature

  • The reference collection on biology is mainly located in the sublibrary Biology and Pre-clinical Medicine (near the first floor of the medical rotunda, opposite the work shop). The current stock of scientific literature for study and research as well as current journals is kept there. The holdings are freely accessible and intended for use in the reading room (reference use).
  • Older or less frequently used literature and works requiring special protection are stored in the stacks in the Central Library and must be ordered for borrowing via the Regensburg Catalog plus.
  • Textbooks: Literature which is of fundamental importance for study and is required for lectures or seminars, for example, is usually placed in the reading room at the beginning of the corresponding sub-discipline of the systematic. In the textbook collection of the Central Library these textbooks are also available in larger numbers. The books in the textbook collection can be borrowed for 4 weeks. Please inform us if important textbooks are not available or not available in sufficient quantities.
  • The collection of the Regensburg Botanical Society is available on permanent loan in the central holdings or separate rare books rooms of the University Library. The holdings are searchable via the Regensburg Catalogue and can be identified by the shelfmark beginnings 240 or 241 (rare books). The value of the library lies mainly in the herbal books and tabular works as well as the journal series and offprints.

Principles of the collection layout

In the?Reading Room for Biology and Pre-clinical Medicine (as in all other reading rooms of the University Library of Regensburg including the textbook collection) the books are arranged systematically according to subject areas, i.e. all works on a specific topic are placed next to each other. By "browsing" the shelves you can get an overview of the holdings on a specific topic in the reference section.

Related subjects and sublibraries

The subject Biochemistry is integrated in the Biology reading room. Please consider, however, that relevant literature may also be found in the Chemistry reading room (shelfmark beginning with 86/...).

For nature conservation and environmental protection you will also find a larger stock in the general reading room (shelfmark beginning with 11/AR..).

At the University of Regensburg the Pre-clinical Medicine is part of the Faculty of Biology. Please note that more clinically oriented literature can be found in the medicine section of the Medicine reading room (shelfmark beginning with 91/...).

Finding Literature and Media

Literature and learning tool for pre-clinical students

Please note: Only?the resources available in English are listed below.?For a more comprehensive list of resources, which also includes the German ones, please refer to the German equivalent of this webpage.

Learning tool

AMBOSS combines learning program and reference work into an adaptive knowledge platform and is suitable for all students in the preclinical and clinical study phase.
A campus licence for the university will initially run until 31.12.2022. It is designed as a study-accompanying program from the 1st clinical semester onwards and includes the possibility of crossing up to 700 state examination questions within a 30-day window. Access to the study cards is unrestricted.

To use them, a personal registration and a registration for the campus licence are necessary. A personal upgrade can be purchased, which allows unlimited crossing.

Access via https://www.amboss.com/ or via the entry in the database information system. Here you will also find instructions for registration and login to the campus licence.

To use the university access you must be logged in to the university network (on the university campus or via VPN). Information on VPN can be found on the pages of the computer center.

Important local identifiers (beginnings of shelfmarks)

Local identifier Locations
00, 01, 02, 03 Central Library holdings/stacks (can be ordered via the Regensburg catalogue plus)
17???????????????? Textbook collection in the Central Library
23/W???????????????? Dissertations in the field of biology (central holdings, can be ordered via the Regensburg catalogue plus)
82 Journals on general natural science (in the Physics reading room)
84 Physics reading room
86 Chemistry and Pharmacy reading room
88 Biology and Preclinical Medicine reading room
8801 CD-ROMs and DVDs in the Biology reading room (available at the reading room supervision)
237 Collection of the Natural Science Association Regensburg (central holdings, can be ordered via the Regensburg catalogue plus)
240 Collection of the Regensburg Botanical Society (central holdings, can be ordered via the Regensburg Catalogue plus)
91 Reading room medicine
9117 Textbook collection medicine (in the Medicine reading room)
9123 Dissertations of the Medical Faculty (in the Medicine reading room)

Subject groups of the departmental library Biology/Preclinical Medicine

In the reading room Biology and Preclinical Medicine (as in all other reading rooms of the University Library of Regensburg including the textbook collection), the books are systematically arranged according to subject (Regensburg compound classification), i.e. all works on a specific subject are next to each other. Here you can get an overview of the available holdings by "browsing" the shelves.
The subject groups start with a W, but you may come across others such as AR for Nature conservation and environmental protection.

Subject group ?Designation
WA Periodicals
WB Bibliographies and reference works, history, didactics, textbooks
WC Methods
WD Biophysics, Biochemistry, Physiological Chemistry
WE?????????????????????????? Cytology
WF 1000 - WF 9600 Microbiology
WF 9700 - WF 9795 Biotechnology
WF 9800 - WF 9920 Immunology
WG??????????????????????????????? Genetics
WH Evolution
WI Ecology
WL Special Botany (Systematics)
WM Morphology and Anatomy of Plants
WN Plant Physiology
WP - WS Special (taxonomic) zoology
WT Behavioural Research and Animal Psychology
WU Anthropology
WW - WX Anatomy and Physiology of Humans and Animals, Preclinical Medicine

Subject-specific weblinks

Please note: Only the resources available in English are listed below. For a more comprehensive list of organizations which also includes the German webpages, please refer to the German equivalent of this webpage.

Institutions and organizations

Local organizations

  1. Homepage UR

University Library

Ask us

Phone: +49 941 943-3990

View of the University Library