Do you already have the bibliographic data of an article in a literature management program? Then many of these programs (e.g. Citavi and Endnote) can automatically search for the full text. One click may be enough. It couldn't be more comfortable! This can be done for single articles or a whole list of articles and after a short waiting period the full texts are immediately stored in the reference management program.
However, even with normally accessible full texts, the automatic programs are not always successful. In this case, please try other methods for the articles you cannot find.
If the above full text search was not successful, you can try other options directly from Citavi. The SFX service, a so-called link resolver, is used for this purpose. Important: You must have entered the correct OpenURL once in Citavi as described above.
The links offered by SFX depend on the stock situation. A click on the button "GO" opens a link in a new window. The following order is recommended: