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WISO online again

The research platforms *genios.de, *wiso-net.de, the GENIOS eBIB and the solutions are now available again! Initially in basic operation, where not everything is running smoothly again. The data is still as it was on 6.4.2024. Genios is working hard to eliminate the gap and provide daily updates. If you notice any missing data or functional restrictions, please let us know at info@genios.de. This will help us to get back to normal operation quickly.

Contact persons

For a faster processing of your request, please use the e-mail address of the Economics' library:?wirtschaft.ub@ur.de

Subject librarian

Axel Kronenberg,?Dipl.-Kfm.?(Univ.)

Law and Economics, Room 1.10
Phone: 0941 943-2258
Fax: 0941 943-1642

Departmental librarians

Law and Economics, Room 1.10

Harald H?berlein
Phone: 0941 943-4244
Fax: 0941 943-1642

Laura Inan
Phone: 0941 943-2699
Fax: 0941 943-1642

Judith Lanzl
Phone: 0941 943-2260
Fax: 0941 943-1642

Restricted access to databaseses / WLAN

Only access on campus, according to contract no VPN or remote access allowed at:
Beck-Online, FAZ, Juris, Jurion

Limited use with:
Genesis online: Only an internal access within the faculty is possible! Please contact the Library Management Economics Department (RW(S) 110, phone: 0941 943-2258, -4244).

WLAN access:

Via the Eduroam network - details at: https://eduroam.uni-regensburg.de/?lang=en

Important for Eduroam WLAN access:

  • No VPN client required
  • computer must support WPA/WPA2 with 802.1x and EAP TTLS/PAP. If you have any questions and/or problems, please contact the information desk of the computer center.
  • Computer must be registered with the DHCP server of the computer center.
    Details at: https://register.uni-regensburg.de/index_en.html
    In case of problems please ask the information desk of the computer center.

The program wlanConfig installs all important files and configurations for the use of the wireless network Eduroam on the computer.
Details under: http://www-pc.uni-regensburg.de/systemsw/TOOLS/wlanconfig.htm


Site plans of the sublibraries

Lageplaene-bibliothekSite plans of the 13 sublibraries

A 3D overview plan shows the reading rooms in the respective faculty buildings.

More detailed floor plans provide you with information about the accesses within the respective building when you click on them.

Sketch of the Economics Reading Room

Thumb Skizze Wirtschaft

Sketch of the Economics Reading Room


Short introduction


  • 235,200 volumes
  • thereof 78.77 volumes of journals
  • 336 current printed journals

?Reading room

  • 376 reading places
  • 4 Regensburg catalogue devices, 28 PCs for Internet research
  • 2 group work rooms (one with SMART Board)?
  • 1 copy machine (with internal credit card) in the desk area and 3 (free) high-resolution book scanners in the north-western part of the CIP-Pool in the reading room Wirtschaft (lending of a USB stick at the desk is possible)
  • 30 laptop compartments (The keys for the laptop compartments can be borrowed from the reading room supervisor upon presentation of your user ID)

Collection profile

The economics sublibrary acquires literature on the entire field of economics, in particular on business administration, national economics, business informatics, economic history and real estate economics. The focus is on the latest study and research literature. In the mentioned sub-disciplines of economics, monographs on the teaching and research foci of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and reference works ( lexica, encyclopaedias, handbooks, language dictionaries) are acquired.

In addition, the Economics Department Library has an extensive collection in the field of historical teaching and schools of economics. For example, it has many first editions of the main works of the Classical and Neoclassical periods and of the Historical School, but also of later movements such as Keynesianism. These works are, however, usually placed in the central holdings in the Central Library.

At present, about 406 paid journals in printed form are kept up to date. The conventional literature is increasingly supplemented by electronic media and subject-specific research instruments. In the field of economics, for example, we now offer access to 12,374 electronic journals (yellow and green dot) in full text in the Electronic Journals Library and research options in various literature databases in our Database Information System (DBIS).

Within the limits of the financial possibilities of the University Library of Regensburg, your satisfaction with the literature equipment is our highest goal. Therefore, please inform us about your acquisition suggestions.

Locations for economics literature

  • The reference collection on economics (sketch of the Economics Department and map of the Departmental Libraries) is mainly located in the Economics Department. Here the current stock of scientific literature for study and research as well as the current periodicals are kept available. The holdings are freely accessible and intended for use in the reading room (reference use). A short term withdrawal is possible.
  • Older or less frequently used literature and works requiring special protection are stored in the central holdings of the central library and must be ordered for borrowing via the Regensburg Catalogue.
  • Textbooks: Literature which is of fundamental importance for studying and which is required for lectures or seminars, for example, is available in individual copies in the reading room Economics. Multiple copies of various economics textbooks can be found in the reading room Law II. The titles listed here have the local identifier 400 and can be borrowed for one week. ?Multiple copies of all the main textbooks can be borrowed from the textbook collection in the Central Library. Please inform us if important textbooks are not available or not available in sufficient quantity.
  • Collection of statistical publications: The Department of Economics has various statistical publications in its holdings, these are either marked 00 (central holdings/Magazin) or 40. The 40s holdings are mainly listed in the Zeitungsmagazin II (newspaper magazine), only a small part is in the reading room Economics:
    • Newspaper Magazine II (duplicate collection): 40/QA 70100 to 40/QA 75222 : Publications of national and international organizations, including the United Nations, OECD, Federal Statistical Office, State Statistical Offices, Central Statistical Offices of Foreign Countries
    • Economics reading room: 40/QA 76200 to 40/QA 77674 : Federal and State Budgets and Urban Budgets of the Federal Republic of Germany

Principles of the collection layout

In the reading room Economics (as in all other reading rooms of the UB
Regensburg including the textbook collection) the books are systematically
set up according to subject areas (Regensburger Verbundklassifikation), i.e.
all works on a certain theme are placed next to each other. You can get an overview of the existing holdings by "browsing" the shelves.

Related subjects and sublibraries

The subject tax law is integrated into the Law section of the library, please remember that literature may also be found there. General (i.e. non-economic) reference works etc. are located in the Central Library.

Finding literature and media

Statistical publications

The library's holdings of the economics section include various statistical publications, which are either marked 00 (central holdings in the central library) or 40. The items marked 40 are mainly in the newspaper magazine II (duplicates holdings), only a small part is located in the reading room economics.

Newspaper magazine II (duplicates holdings)

40/QA 70120 to 40/QA 75222 : Publications of national and international organizations, including the United Nations, OECD, Federal Statistical Office, State Statistical Offices, Central Statistical Offices of Foreign Countries

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00h to 11:00h and on request from the supervisor in the reading room Economics.

Directions: When leaving the reading room Economics turn left and take the first staircase on the right. Then go down two floors and at the end of the corridor on the left side you will find the newspaper magazine II (duplicates holdings)

Reading room Economics

40/QA 76200 to 40/QA 77674 : Federal and State Budgets and Urban Budgets of the Federal Republic of Germany

Basic study literature in economics (local identifier 400)

In addition to the holdings of the economics reading room, the library also has a location with basic study literature on economics. The titles listed here can be borrowed short-term and are usually available in multiple copies. The books have the local identifier 400 and are located in the reading room Law/Recht II. They can be used as follows:

  • In the Reading Room Law/Recht II against deposit of the library card with the supervisor.
  • In the context of overnight lending (until the next morning) or weekend lending (from Friday to Monday) on presentation of the library card and completion of a borrowing form.

Economics reference works: More than Wikipedia!

Although Internet portals such as "Wikipedia" can often provide a good introduction to a topic, university work of all kinds usually requires other sources whose information is controlled and meets scientific standards. The economics sublibrary provides you with a wide range of electronic and printed scientific reference works, the following provides?a small selection.

Please note: Only the English resources are listed here. for a more comprehensive list of reference works, which also includes the German resources, please refer to the German equivalent of this webpage.

The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online
The internationally leading reference work comprises more than 1,850 articles by more than 1,750 renowned scientists.

Encyclopedia of finance
Year of publication: 2006

The Q-systematics of economics: How is the literature organized?

Im Lesesaal Wirtschaft (wie auch in allen anderen anderen Leses?len der UB Regensburg einschlie?lich Lehrbuchsammlung) sind die Bücher?systematisch nach Fachgebieten?aufgestellt, das hei?t alle Werke zu einem bestimmten Thema stehen nebeneinander. Hier k?nnen Sie durch "browsen" am Regal einen ?berblick über die vorhandenen Best?nde gewinnen.

Section Description
QA Journals
QB General Information, Methods of Business Studies, Teaching and Training Methods in Business Studies, Business Education
QC Economic theory, including monetary theory
QD General economic policy, economic systems
QE History of the teaching opinions
QF Economic and social history
QG Business Studies and General Information
QH Mathematics, Statistics, Econometrics, Corporate Research
QI National accounting system
QK Monetary-, credit- and banking system, banking management
QL Public Finance, Business Taxation
QM International Trade
QN Economic fluctuations, stability policy
QO Defence planning, war economy
QP General Business Administration
QQ Specialized Business Administration
QR Industrial policy
QS Agriculture
QT Environmental Economics
QU Demography
QV Employee issues
QW Household economy and private consumption
QX Social policy, health care, educational economics
QY Regional economic policy, urban planning

Important shelfmark beginnings for economists

Local identifier Locations
00 Central holdings in the central library (Magazin)
17 Textbook collection of the Central Library
23/Q Dissertations in the field of economics (in the central holdings)
40 Economic sciences
400 basic study literature of the Economics sub library (in the reading room Law/Recht II)
31 Law (including tax law)
405-495 "Handapparat" collections of the professors of the Faculty of Economics
401 DVDs, CD-ROMs and floppy disks (Location: Supervision Desk of the Economics Sub library)
4001 DVDs, CD-ROMs and floppy disks (Location: Supervision Desk Reading Room Law II)

Current Parliamentaria

Current legislation in parliament:?Aktuelle Parlamentaria

Subject-specific weblinks, search engines, libraries

Please note:?Only the English resources are listed here. for a more comprehensive list of reference works, which also includes the German resources, please refer to the German equivalent of this webpage.

Subject specific search engines

Important libraries for economists

Virtual specialist libraries

  • EconBiz
    Virtual Library of Economics and Business Administration

Scientific publishing

Publication server of the University of Regensburg: Economics

The publication server of the University of Regensburg has the goal of providing evidence of the publications of the University of Regensburg and, if possible, making them freely available (Open Access). The inclusion of older publications is possible at any time and is encouraged.

  1. Homepage UR

University Library

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Phone: +49 941 943-3990

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