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Contact persons

Subject librarian

Axel Kronenberg, Dipl.-Kfm. (Univ.)

Philosophy/Theology, Room 1.2.3
Phone: 0941 943-2258 or -3433
E-mail: axel.kronenberg@ur.de / geographie.ub@ur.de

Departmental librarian

Marion Ferst

Philosophy/Theology, Room 1.2.2
Phone: 0941 943-3432
E-mail: marion.ferst@ur.de / geographie.ub@ur.de


Site plans of the sublibraries

Lageplaene-bibliothekSite plans of the 13 sublibraries

A 3D overview plan shows the reading rooms in the respective faculty buildings.

More detailed floor plans provide you with information about the accesses within the respective building when you click on them.

Location Overview

Central Library, General Reading Room, Level?7

Skizze Zballg7?PDF

Short overview

  • 128,172 volumes
  • of which 15,841 journal volumes
  • 54 current printed journals
  • 224 e-journals, in addition many freely accessible electronic periodicals are available
  • 301 e-journals from the geosciences

Collection profile

In the field of geography, literature is acquired on various subfields. Doing so does justice to the role of this subject as a cross-sectional discipline. In her function as a service provider for various humanities and natural science institutes of the university, the geography section provides literature on physical geography (including geobotany, soil science, climatology), cultural geography (including historical geography, regional studies), economic and social geography (including regional economics, regional research) and the didactics of geography in relation to the various teacher training courses at the university. The vast majority of the acquisitions focus on the latest study and research literature. In the areas of geography mentioned above, monographs on the teaching and research foci of the institutes concerned and reference works (encyclopaedias, encyclopaedias, handbooks, language dictionaries) are acquired in particular.

At present, various printed journals are being kept up to date; the main topics correspond essentially to those mentioned above in relation to the acquisition of literature. Thus, on the one hand, subscriptions to journals covering a wide range of topics are held, and on the other hand, periodicals with a more specific focus can be found in the holdings.

In addition, some periodicals with an interdisciplinary character are
subscribed to. Conventional literature is increasingly supplemented by electronic media and subject-specific research instruments. In the field of geography, for example, we now offer full-text access to numerous electronic journals in the Electronic Journals Library?(EZB) and search options in various literature databases.

Within the framework of the financial possibilities of the University Library of Regensburg your satisfaction with the literature equipment is our main goal. Therefore please share your acquisition suggestions with us.

Locations for Geography Literature

  • The reference collection on geography is mainly located in the Geography section of the General Reading Room in the Central Library. There the current holdings of scientific literature for study and research as well as the current journals are kept on hand. The holdings are freely accessible and intended for use in the Reading Room (presence use).
  • Older or less frequently used literature and works requiring special protection are stored in the cebtral holdings (Magazin) and must be ordered for loan from the Regensburg catalogue.
  • Textbooks: Literature that is of fundamental importance for study and is for example needed for lectures or seminars is available in single copies in the reading room. Multiple copies of all essential textbooks can be borrowed from the textbook collection of the Central Library. Please inform us if important textbooks are not available or not available in sufficient quantity.
  • Maps and map series?are usually found in the map collection with the local number 261 (Newspaper holdings 2/Zeitungsmagazin 2). Here library users can view topographic and thematic maps from all over the world. The main focus of the map collection is on topographic maps of Germany, the aerial photograph collection especially contains photographs of Regensburg and Bavaria.
    Note: the list is purely thematic. A search by shelfmark is not possible.
    • It can be used during the opening hours of the newspaper holdings: Monday to Friday from 10:00h to 11:00h. If you would like to use the holdings of the card collection, please report at these times either directly to the newspaper holdings (also by telephone: 0941 943-4291) or at the Reading Room Counter Wirtschaft/Economy (also by telephone: 0941 943-4246).
    • Directions: Leave the Central Library building through the revolving doors. Cross the square straight ahead, in the direction of the Mensa. Between the building of the university pizzeria and the student house turn right. Straight ahead is the law/economy building. Walk straight ahead in the building, turn left at the far end and then use the staircase on the left side downstairs. Two floors down is the newspaper holdings on the left side.

Principles of the collection layout

In the Geography section of the General Reading Room (as in all other reading rooms of the University Library of Regensburg including the textbook collection) the books are arranged systematically according to subject areas, i.e. all works on a specific topic are arranged side by side.

Related subjects and sublibraries

Since geography as a scientific discipline is embedded into an interdisciplinary background, literature important for geography can also be found in the sublibraries of other subjects. For example, some works on economic geography are held by the Economics sublibrary, works on cultural geography by the Sociology sublibrary, works on the didactics of geography by the Pedagogy sublibrary, and works on physical geography including soil science by the natural sciences sublibraries.

Find literature and media

Map Collection Geography

Maps and map series?are usually found in the map collection with the local number 261 (Newspaper holdings 2/Zeitungsmagazin 2). Here library users can view topographic and thematic maps from all over the world. The main focus of the map collection is on topographic maps of Germany, the aerial photograph collection especially contains photographs of Regensburg and Bavaria.
Note: the list is purely thematic. A search by shelfmark is not possible.

  • It can be used during the opening hours of the newspaper holdings: Monday to Friday from 10:00h to 11:00h. If you would like to use the holdings of the card collection, please report at these times either directly to the newspaper holdings (also by telephone: 0941 943-4291) or at the Reading Room Counter Wirtschaft/Economy (also by telephone: 0941 943-4246).
  • Directions: Leave the Central Library building through the revolving doors. Cross the square straight ahead, in the direction of the Mensa. Between the building of the university pizzeria and the student house turn right. Straight ahead is the law/economy building. Walk straight ahead in the building, turn left at the far end and then use the staircase on the left side downstairs. Two floors down is the newspaper holdings on the left side.

Geographic reference works: More than Wikipedia!

Although Internet portals such as "Wikipedia" are often a good introduction to a
topic, university work of all kinds generally requires other sources whose information is controlled and meets scientific standards. The Department of Geography provides a wide range of electronic and printed scientific reference works, here is a small selection:

International encyclopedia of human geography


Encyclopedia of geology


Encyclopedia of geography

Year: 2010
Location: 53/RB 10006 W274-1...6?

The R systematics of geography: How is literature organized?

In the Reading Room Geography (as in all other reading rooms of the Regensburg University Library including the textbook collection) the books are arranged systematically according to subject areas, i.e. all works on a certain topic are placed next to each other. Here you can get an overview of the existing collections by "browsing" the shelf.

Section Description
RA Journals
RB?10000?-?RB?10918?? Not regionally bound representations
RC - RZ Regional Geography

Important local identifiers (beginnings of shelf marks) for geography

Local identifier Locations
00 Central library holdings (Magazin)
11/R Geography (in the General Reading Room)
17 Textbook collection of the Central Library
23/R Dissertations in the field of geography (in the central holdings)
40 Economics (including economic geography, tourism economics)
72 Pedagogy (including relevant literature for the didactics of geography)
119 DVDs, CD-ROMs and floppy disks (location: Counter General Reading Room)
261 Map Collection Geography
6001 DVDs, CD-ROMs and floppy disks (Location: Counter Reading Room Philosophicum)

Subject specific weblinks

Please note: Only the English resources are listed here. For a broader collection of geography resources which also contain German webpages, please refer to the German version of this Webpage.

Subject-specific search engines:

Important libraries for geographers

Scientific publishing

Publication server of the University of Regensburg: philosophy, art and social sciences

The publication server of the University of Regensburg has the goal of providing evidence of the publications of the University of Regensburg and, if possible, making them freely available (Open Access). The inclusion of older publications is possible at any time and is encouraged.

  1. Homepage UR

University Library

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