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Scientific Assistant

Moritz Eisenschink

Building: RW(S) 1.33


Tel. 0941/943 7421


Moritz Eisenschink (born 1997) studied law with a focus on family and inheritance law at the University of Regensburg and completed his studies there in 2022/II with the first state examination.

Since April 2023 he has been a research associate for the Assistant Professor for Civil Law and Law of the Algorithm-Driven Economy, Prof. Tabea Bauermeister.

Agnes Brücklmayer

Building: RW(S) 1.33


Tel. 0941/943 7421

Ass.Prof. for Civil Law and the Law of the Algorithm-Driven Economy


Tabea Bauermeister

photo: UR/ Annika Schuppe

Geb?ude RW(L), Zi. 2.04 Telefon 0941/943-2799 E-Mail: Tabea.Bauermeister (at)jura.uni-regensburg.de