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Excursion to Etruria during the summer semester 2025?
(for more information in German please click here)
For a first orientation please read the
Information for New Students (German version only)
We offer student advisory service (in German) at two introductory events:
????????? Monday, 14.04.2025 ? ? ? ?? Lehramt Gymnasien - Latein (Staatsexamen)
????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 14:00?s.t. - 15:30, H7
????????? Wednesday, 16.04.2025 ? ? B.A. Latin Philology
??????????????????? ? ? ?? ?????????????????????? ??? 10:00 - 11:00, H7 ?
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Contact person: Wiss. Mitarbeiter Ulrich Ebnet, phone 0941 943-5740, email