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Internships in the German Studies Program

Bachelor's Degree

While internships are not a requirement in the B.A. program, students are strongly encouraged to do internships during their studies to get a glimpse of various career options, gain first work experience and establish contacts to the job market. Organized by yourself, internships enhance your chances to find a good job.

If needed, the German Department will provide you with a statement for potential employers to help you find internships. Interested students can contact the program coordinator for assistance.

In addition, you can collect up to 20 credit points for the combinatorial B.A. program by doing internships in the free elective area. If you need recognition for internship credits, please contact the program coordinator.

Teaching Degrees

Internships that must be completed as part of the teacher training courses are listed on the website of the Regensburg University Center for Teacher Training (Regensburger Universit?tszentrum für Lehrerbildung – RUL). Here you also find links to the members of the internship offices.

Master's Degree

As part of the M.A. program in German Studies you need to run a project or do an internship in module GER-M 42. If you opt for an internship, please consider the following guidelines:

  • The duration of the internship is a minimum of 5 weeks or 200 hours. The connection between professional and academic practice should be made evident in an internship report of at least 5 pages, serving as proof of your work experience.
  • Your internship has to be related to your studies. Before starting, please ask a Professor or PD at the German Department to confirm that it will be recognized in your program.
  • Internships completed before the start of your course will not be recognized. Some employers may request proof of the internship's compulsory nature, which you can obtain from the program coordinator.
  • Before starting your internship, please consult with a Professor or PD in your chosen area to determine the format of the subsequent report

German Department