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International Students in Regensburg

The University of Regensburg and its partners offer various support services for their international students.

Offers at the University of Regensburg:
- Intermediate and advanced courses in German as a foreign language
- "Fit for studying" (online class)
- Courses in literature management (Citavi)
- Library introduction
- Tutoring program for scientific writing

Offers at the Virtual University of Bavaria (VHB):

- "Studying and scientific work in Germany".

Image Internationale Studierende Mm _8_

Tutoring program "Scientific Writing"

German academic writing is often very different in style and structure from academic writing in your home country. Specially trained tutors from the Academic Writing Advisory Service at the Writing Center of the Center for Language and Communication will help you with the composition of written work for your seminars or final theses.

If you would like to work with a tutor, contact the writing consultant, Dr. Christine Braun, (schreibberatung.zsk@ur.de).

If you are looking for advice on English papers, contact: writing.center@ur.de

For more information, click here.

Online Course ?Fit fürs Studium“ (fit for studying)

In just six weeks, the online course offered by the Computing Center and the University Library will teach you basic skills that will help you study efficiently right from the start.

Here you will learn everything about important tools for researching, learning, presenting, writing and citing. Lay the foundation for your successful studies now and discover right away:

  • ?which tools make everyday life on campus easier, e.g. GroupWise (e-mail program)
  • ??? how to quickly find relevant information and literature for your seminar, your presentation or your term paper
  • ??? how to cite this information correctly in your work and how to process it with Word and PowerPoint.

This course is offered every semester in the second week of the semester. You can earn 2 ECTS.

For further information and registration please visit ffs.ur.de.

Orientation: The UR Library

The library of the University of Regensburg is very extensive. In order to find your way around quickly, we recommend taking part in one of our orientation sessions.

In one hour, you will learn all the important information about using the library and searching in the Regensburg Catalog plus. During this tour, you will also be shown the central library and a reading room.

Dates and further information can be found here.

Citavi - Reference Management Software

The library also offers training and consultation hours for reference management with the Citavi software. As a student, you can use this software free of charge.

With Citavi, you can store and organize literature, integrate PDFs and Internet documents, evaluate content, manage citations, as well as write and cite with automatically generated references and bibliography. In our training courses, you will learn how to use the program on your PC in hands on exercises.

Dates and further information can be found here.

Courses in German as a Foreign Language

The Center for Language and Communication offers a large number of German courses for all levels.

In our study-preparatory courses, you will be prepared for your specialized studies as well as the German Language Test for University Admission (DSH). In our German courses accompanying your studies, you can improve your German language skills further and thus your ability to study.

You can find more information here.

VHB-online: Virtual Classes - DaF and more

The Virtual University of Bavaria (VHB) is a digital offer for students of Bavarian universities. Here, courses are designed as online-only courses.

At the VHB you can register free of charge with your matriculation number and the student intranet ID and directly enroll for the course.

You can find all VHB DaF Courses if you click here and follow the link "Sprachen" under "Deutsch als Fremdsprache".


