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2024 (first supervisor) M. B. C., Audiovisual translation of humor: An analysis of??The Big Bang Theory with a focus on wordplay and culture-specific references

2023?(second supervisor) A. M., Language attitudes towards English language varieties in German business settings


2024 N. M., Is the German language outdated? A study on the spread of the English language through social media and pop culture, and its influence on Anglicisms in German marketing slogans

2024?P. Y., Exploring the correlation between code-switching and film structure: An analysis of German-English code-switching in cinema

2024 L. C. P., Language use in?The New Yorker and?Vanity Fair: Insights into online journalism

2024 A.-L. H., Actors altering their accents for roles - Demonstrated by characters of the?Harry Potter?films

2023 T. K., The adaption of a forensic linguistics analysis method to the digital space in the context of authorship profiling

2023?N.-I. B., German and Russian speakers' perception of corporeal, imitative, synesthetic, and conventional sound symbolism in English-based fictitious brand names.

2023?I. P., "My honey calls me crispy chicken": A study on terms of endearment among romantic partners in Germany

State exam

2023?D. K., The emergence of new language constructs: Analyzing neologisms coined by digital natives

  1. Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Cultures
  2. Department of English and American Studies