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Here you can register for the conference.

If you still need accommodation in Regensburg, just have a look at the landing page under the Location tab. We have reserved hotel contingents for the conference. You will find an overview there (PDF).

We do not charge any conference fees for participation. It is only necessary to register here in advance and to register at the conference office upon arrival.

The fields marked with * are required fields.


Important notice:
Registration for the conference is open until Sunday, 17 September 2023.

privacy policy


  1. The general data protection guidelines of the university of Regensburg can be found here: /privacy/home/index.html
  2. The legal basis for the processing of personal data for the purpose explained below is the consent of the data subjects according to Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a) DSGVO and Art. 9 para. 2 lit. a) DSGVO?(see also extensions to point 3).
  3. The data protection declaration is supplemented by the following aspects in particular with regard to the data requested for conference registration:
  • Your data will be collected for the purpose of organizing the conference "Comparative Punctuation Worldwide" from September 22 to 24, 2023 of the Chair of German Linguistics (conference and, if applicable, conference proceedings). The data will not be used for advertising purposes. Your data will not be passed on to third parties
  • After entering your data on the registration page of the conference website (https://go.ur.de/compunc), they will be automatically sent by e-mail to the central e-mail address of the conference organization (compunc.worldwide@uni-regensburg.de) and processed locally by the organization team, the staff members of the Chair of German Linguistics at the University of Regensburg entrusted with the organization (confirmation of participation, name badges, etc.)
  • Your data will not be stored permanently and will be deleted after the conference (October 2023). Exception: If you contribute to a conference anthology, your data will be stored locally at the Chair of German Linguistics at the University of Regensburg until the end of the book project (e.g. for sending manuscripts)
  • For the collection and storage of your data, your consent is required, which you confirm by means of the checkbox for data protection and by submitting the form
  • You can revoke your registration and the temporary storage of your data at any time. Your data will then be deleted immediately and will not be further processed (info to compunc.worldwide@uni-regensburg.de)
  • The following personal data will be collected during registration: Academic degree, first name, last name, institution, e-mail address, website, address, lecture, Additional information such as eating habits or impairments, if you provide us with such information (Notes).


Comparative Punctuation