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Chair of Information Systems III



In times of growing competition companies not only need to have a clear strategic orientation, but should also have a target-oriented design of their business processes as well as efficient information and communication systems. Against this background, Business Engineering and its methods and techniques, in science and practice alike, are constantly gaining in importance. In addition to enhancing/refining the Business Engineering approach our chair aims at investigating practice-oriented questions and working out solutions, and has entered cooperations with several companies and institutions.

Alphabet Fuhrparkmanagement GmbH:? Project "Design of a Quality and Process Management System for a Fleet Management Company"

The project dealt with the design/set-up of a Quality and Process Management system for service providers. (more...)

BMW Bank GmbH:? Project "Business Quality"

The project Company Quality dealt with special questions of quality management in service-oriented companies. (more...)

BPI: Design of a Method for Business Process Improvement – a Structured Procedure to Support the Creative Phase of Improvement

The aim of the project was to design a method to improve business processes (more…)

BPI Roadmap


E.ON Bayern AG (1): Project "Modeling of non-discriminating business processes to initiate and execute electric network access"

In this research project, members of the chair supported the change and modeling of business processes to initiate and execute electric network access at E.ON Bayern.(more...)

E.ON Bayern AG (2): Project "Business Process Management in the energy sector – Meeting new challenges in managing electric network access"

IThe project BPM in the Energy Sector focused on designing and setting up a consistent Business Process Management for network access management at E.ON Bayern. (more...)

E.ON Bayern AG (3):?Project "Measuring and managing Business Process Performance in the energy sector"

This cooperation project dealt with the design of a cross-process process? control center and the conception of supply management target processes. (more...)

ibi research GmbH: Research project "Study of Process Performance Management at Banks"

The aim of this research project is to determine the status quo of? Process Performance Management in banks, to identify (current) trends and to find enhancement potentials and Best when applying Process Performance Management. (more..)

QM for KMU

Quality Management (QM) consists of (all) measures to improve processes,? productivity and services to attain a continuous value enhancement of an enterprise as well the maintaining of a high degree of customer satisfaction. (more...)

Universit?t Regensburg:?Project “Modeling the Administration Processes of Regensburg University”

In this project a university administration processes are collected. (more…)

Web-Based Training Tool Six Sigma (Prototyp)

By means of this tool, get to know the Six Sigma method plus selected work techniques and use them in practice. (more...)

  2. Informatics and Data Science

Chair of Information Systems III

Prof. Dr. Susanne Leist 

Logo 2015 Quadratisch Mit Text Wei _3


Tel. 0941 943-3201

Fax  0941 943-81-3201

E-Mail sekretariat.leist@ur.de