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Research and teaching

Research and teaching at the University Outpatient Psychotherapy Clinic
The University Outpatient Psychotherapy Clinic is a modern clinic with several treatment rooms and innovative scientifically recognized treatment methods. Here you can find more about research and teaching projects at the clinic.
Research at the clinic
The goal of the University Outpatient Psychotherapy Clinic is conducting research projects in the field of psychotherapy research. All client data collected for research projects is treated confidentially. If you want to take part in our research programs or get more information, please refer to the Contacts section.
Teaching at the clinic
Another goal of the University Outpatient Psychotherapy Clinic is to offer practice-oriented courses for students. In those courses, advanced psychology students learn more about psychotherapy. Since training future therapists can only be successful if it is practice-oriented, we rely on support from our clients. Given their consent, full confidentiality and personal data protection, clients either participate in the courses or are recorded during a therapy session.

  1. Departement of Psychology
  2. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

