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Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 4392-4396.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 2771-2775.

Phosphorus, Sulfur, Silicon and Relat. Elem. 2015, 190, 397-403.

Chem. Sci. 2015, 6, 1379-1382.

Highlighted in Nachr. Chem. 4/2015

Chem. Sci. 2015, 6, 132-139.
Z. Naturfosch B. 2014, 69B, 1348-1356.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 13605-13608.
Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 11438-11446.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 9077-9081.
Chem. Sci. 2014, 5, 3221-3225.
Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 16139-16142.
Z. Krist. 2014,229, 735-740.
Inorg Chim. Acta 2014,422, 218-223.
Angew. Chem., 2014, 126, accepted.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, accepted.

Angew. Chem. 2014, 126, accepted.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, accepted.
Chem. Sci. 2014, online.
Angew. Chem. 2014, 126,?online.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, online.
, 3727-3730.
Angew. Chem. 2013, 125, accepted.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, accepted.
Angew. Chem. 2013, 125, 11087 – 11091.?
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 10887 – 10891.
Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 13783 – 13791.?


Angew. Chem. 2013, 125, 11097 – 11100.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 10896 – 10899.

Organometallics 2013, 32, 3521 – 3528.?


Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 11887 – 11891.
Angew. Chem. 2013, 125, 7751 – 7755.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 7600 – 7603.?Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 3878 – 3883.??


Organometallics 2013, 32, 770 – 779.angenommen.

J. Organomet. Chem.?2012,?accepted

Chem. Eur. J.?2012, 18, Angew. Chem. 2012, 124, 10056-10059.
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2012, 1736-1745

Chem. Commun. 2012, 48,?Angew. Chem. 2011, ,?9491 – 9495.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 1435-1438.


C. Gr?ger, H. R. Kalbitzer, M. Pronold, D. Piryazev, M. Scheer, J. Wachter, A. Virovets, M. Zabel
Novel Metal-Organic Frameworks Incorporating [Cp°2Mo2P4S] (Cp° = 1-t-Bu-3,4-Me2C5H2), P4S3 and Cu2I2 Building Blocks
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2011, 785-793.


C. Gr?ger, H. R. Kalbitzer, W. Meier, M. Pronold, M. Scheer, J. Wachter, M. Zabel
Supramolecular Copper Halide Networks using the Coordinate Flexibility of the cyclo-P2S3 Middle Deck in (C5Me5)2Mo2P2S3?
Inorg. Chim. Acta?2011, 370, 191-197.


P4?Activation by Main Group Elements and Compounds
Chem. Rev.?2010,?210, 4236-4256.

179. B. P. Johnson, S. Almst?tter, F. Dielmann, M. Bodensteiner, M. Scheer
Synthesis and Reactivity of Low-Valent Group 14 Element Compounds
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?2010,?636, 1275-1285.
178. M. Scheer, A. Schindler, J. Bai, B. P. Johnson, R. Merkle, R. Winter, A. V. Virovets, E. V. Peresypkina, V. A. Blatov, M. Sierka, H. Eckert
Structures and Properties of Spherical 90-Vertex Fullerene-like Nanoballs
Chem. Eur. J.,?2010,?16, 2092-2107.

S. Welsch, C. Lescop, R. Réau, M. Scheer
Mono-, di- and polymetallic TlI?complexes stabilised by a 2,5-bis(2-pyridyl)-1-phenyl-phosphole ligand
Dalton Trans.?2009, 2683-2686.??


S. Welsch, B. Nohra, E. V. Peresypkina, C. Lescop, M. Scheer, R. Réau
Chemistry of Bridging Phosphanes: A Comparative Study within CuI-AgI-AuI?Triad-based Homonuclear-dimers?
Chem. Eur. J.?2009,?15, 4685-4703.??

175. M. Bodensteiner, U. Vogel, A. Y. Timoshkin, M. Scheer
Controlled oligomerisation of Lewis acid/base stabilised phosphanylalanes
Angew. Chem.?2009,?121, 4700-4704;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2009,?48, 4629-4633.
174. L. J. Gregoriades, B. K. Wegley, M. Sierka, E. Brunner, C. Gr?ger, E. V. Peresypkina, A. V. Virovets, M. Zabel, M. Scheer
One-Dimensional Polymers Based on Silver(I) Cations and Organometallic?cyclo-P3?Ligand Complexes
Chem. Asian J.?2009,?4, 1578-1587.
173. A. Schindler, M. Zabel, J. F. Nixon, M. Scheer
Hexaphosphaferrocene [Fe(η5-P3C2tBu2)2] as a connecting moiety in oligomeric and polymeric compounds
Z. Naturforsch.?2009,?64b, 1429-1437.
172. K. Schwan, U. Vogel, M. Zabel, M. Scheer
Halogenation of Lewis acid/base stabilised Phosphanylboranes
J. Organomet. Chem.?2009,?694, 1189-1194.
171. M. Stubenhofer, C. Kuntz, G. Balázs, M. Zabel, M. Scheer?
1,2,3-Triphospole derivatives as reactive intermediates
Chem. Commun.?2009, 1745-1747.

Ange 2009

M. Scheer, A. Schindler, C. Gr?ger, A. V. Virovets, E. V. Peresypkina

A spherical molecule with a carbon-free Ih-C80?topological framework

Angew. Chem.?2009,?121, 5148-5151;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2009,?48, 5046-5049.

Inside Cover

170. M. Scheer, A. Schindler, C. Gr?ger, A. V. Virovets, E. V. Peresypkina
A spherical molecule with a carbon-free Ih-C80?topological framework
Angew. Chem.?2009,?121, 5148-5151;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2009,?48, 5046-5049.
169. M. Scheer, C. Kuntz, M. Stubenhofer, M. Linseis, R. F. Winter, M. Sierka
The complexed Triphosphaallyl Radical, Cation and Anion Family
Angew. Chem.?2009,?121, 2638-2642;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2009,?48, 2600-2604.
168. S. Deng, C. Schwarzmaier, M. Zabel, J. F. Nixon, A. Y. Timoshkin, M. Scheer
Coordination Behaviour of the 1, 2, 3 -Triphosphaferrocene [Cp'''Fe(η5-P3C2(H)Ph)] with Organometallic Moieties
Organometallics?2009,?28, 1075-1081.

Znatur 2009

F. Dielmann, R. Merkle, S. Heinl, M. Scheer

New Pentaphosphaferrocenes

Z. Naturforsch.?2009,?64b, 3-10


167. F. Dielmann, R. Merkle, S. Heinl, M. Scheer
New Pentaphosphaferrocenes
Z. Naturforsch.?2009,?64b, 3-10.

M. Scheer, L. J. Gregoriades, R. Merkle, B. P. Johnson, F. Dielmann?
Formation of Spherical Giant Molecules and Dynamic Behaviour of Supramolecular Assemblies Based on Pn-Ligand Complexes
Phosphorus, Sulfur, Silicon and the Related Elements?2008,?183, 504-508.

165. M. Scheer, L. J. Gregoriades, M. Zabel, J. Bai, I. Krossing, G. Brunklaus, H. Eckert
Self-Assemblies Based on [Cp2Mo2(CO)4(μ,η2-P2)] - Solid State Structure and Dynamic Behaviour in Solution
Chem. Eur. J.?2008,?14, 282-295.?
164. N. A. Pushkarevsky, D. A. Bashirov, A. V. Litke, A. V. Virovets, N. V. Kurateva, M. Scheer, S. N. Konchenko?
Isolobal Replacement of the Metal Fragment in [Fe3(?3-Q)(?3-AsCH3)(CO)9] (Q = Se and Te): Synthesis and Structures of a Number of Fe-Ir and Fe-Rh Clusters Simultaneously Containing a Chalcogen and Arsenic
Russ. J. Coord. Chem.?2008,?34, 871-883.
163. S. Deng, U. Vogel, M. Zabel, J. F. Nixon, M. Scheer
Unexpected differences in the coordination behaviour of 1,2,4-triphosphaferrocenes towards Cu(I) chloride
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2008, 4870-4874.
162. K.. Schwan, A. Adolf, C. Thoms, M. Zabel, A. Y. Timoshkin, M. Scheer
Selective halogenation at the pnictogen atom in the Lewis-acid/base-stabilised phosphanylboranes
Dalton Trans.?2008, 5054-5058.
161. M. Scheer, D. Himmel, C. Kuntz, S. Zhan, E. Leiner?
Transition Metal-Phosphorus Triple Bond Reactivity Towards Triply Bonded [CpMo(CO)2] - Formation of Novel Heteronuclear Cluster Compounds
Chem. Eur. J.?2008,?14, 9020-9029.
160. S. Deng, C. Schwarzmaier, C. Eichhorn, O. J. Scherer, G. Wolmersh?user, M. Zabel, M. Scheer?
Synthesis and unprecedented coordination behaviour of a novel 1,2,3-triphosphaferrocene
Chem. Commun.?2008, 4064-4066.
159. M. H. Chisholm, A. S. Dann, F. Dielmann, J. C. Gallucci, N. J. Patmore, R. Ramnauth, M. Scheer?
Dimolybdenum bis-triisopropyl-2,4,6-benzoate bis-4-isonicotinamate: A Redox Active Analogue of 4,4'-Bipyridine
Inorg. Chem.?2008,?47, 9248-9255.
158. B. Zheng, H. Dong, J. Bai, Y. Li, S. Li, M. Scheer
Temperature Controlled Reversible Change of the Coordination Modes of the Highly Symmetrical Multitopic Ligand To Construct Coordination Assemblies: Experimental and Theoretical Studies
J. Am. Chem. Soc.?2008,?130, 7778-7779.
157. L. Chen, J. Bai, C. Wang, Y. Pan, M. Scheer, X. You?
One-step solid-state thermolysis of a metal-organic framework: a simple and facile route to large-scale of multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Chem. Commun.?2008, 1581-1583.
156. A. Adolf, U. Vogel, M. Zabel, A. Y. Timoshkin, M. Scheer
N-Heterocyclic Carbenes in Lewis-acid/base Stabilised Phosphanylboranes
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2008, 3482-3492.
155. S. Welsch, C. Lescop, M. Scheer, R. Réau?
A Paradigm in the Directional-Bonding Approach: Bimetallic Molecular Clips with Adaptive Coordination Behaviour for Supramolecular Chemistry
Inorg. Chem.?2008,?47, 8592-8594.
154. K. Schwan, A. Adolf, M. Bodensteiner, M. Zabel, M. Scheer?
Synthesis and Crystal Structures of novel Cu(I) Complexes of a Phosphanylborane
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?2008,?634, 1383-1387.

Dalton Transactions 2008

M. Scheer

The Coordination Chemistry of Group 15 Element Ligand Complexes - A Developing Area?

Dalton Trans.,?2008,?4372-4386


153. M. Scheer
The Coordination Chemistry of Group 15 Element Ligand Complexes - A Developing Area?
Dalton Trans.,?2008, 4372-4386.

S. Wang, J. Bai, Y. Li, Y. Pan, M. Scheer and X. You
Synthesis, structures and properties of nickel(II) and cobalt(II) metal-organic frameworks based on a flexible trivarboxylate ligand H3TTG and different pyridyl-containing ligands
Cryst. Eng. Comm.,?2007, 9, 1084-1095.


S. Wang, R. Sun, X. Wang, Y. Li, Y. Pan, J. Bai, M. Scheer and X. You
Versatile lanthanide coordination assemblies due to the synergistic effect of lanthanide contraction and flexibility of a flexible tricarboxylate ligand
Cryst. Eng. Comm.,?2007, 9, 1051-1061.

150. S. Welsch, L. J. Gregoriades, M. Sierka, M. Zabel, A. V. Virovets, M. Scheer?
Unusual Coordination Behaviour of Pn-Ligand Complexes with Tl+
Angew. Chem.?2007,?119, 9483-9487;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2007,?46, 9323-9326.
149. U. Vogel, J. F. Nixon, M. Scheer
Cu(I) mediated Oligomerisation of a Phosphaalkyne
Chem. Commun.?2007, 5055-5057.
148. M. Scheer, A. Schindler, R. Merkle, B. P. Johnson, M. Linseis, R. Winter, C. E. Anson, A. V. Virovets
Fullerene C60?as an Endohedral Molecule within an Inorganic Supramolecule
J. Am. Chem. Soc.?2007,?129, 13386-13387.
147. A. Biegerl, E. Brunner, C. Gr?ger, M. Scheer, J. Wachter, M. Zabel?
The unexpected versatility of P4S3?as building block in polymeric copper halide networks: 2,3-P, 1,2,3-P and all-P coordination
Chem. Eur. J.?2007,?13, 9270-9276.
146. S. Wang, Y. Yang, J. Bai, Y.-Z. Li, M. Scheer, Y. Pan, X.-Z. You
An unprecedented nanoporous and fluorescent supramolecular framework with an SrAl2?topology controllably synthesized from a flexible ditopic acid
Chem. Commun.?2007, 4416-4418.
145. L. J. Gregoriades, G. Balázs, E. Brunner, C. Gr?ger, J. Wachter, M. Zabel, M. Scheer
An Unusual Building Block for Supramolecular Aggregates: the Mixed Group 15/16 Element Ligand Complex [(Cp*Mo)2(μ,η3-P3)(μ,η2-PS)]
Angew. Chem.?2007,?119, 6070-6074;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2007,?46, 5966-5970.
144. S.-N. Wang, H. Xing, Y.-Z. Li, J. Bai, M. Scheer, Y. Pan, X.-Z. You?
Unprecedented interweaving of single-helical and unequal double-helical chains into metal-organic open frameworks with multi-walled turbular structures
Chem. Commun.?2007, 2293-2295.
143. N. A. Pushkarevsky, S. N. Konchenko and M. Scheer
Synthesis, Structure and Isomerism of the [Fe3Pt(?4-Q)(CO)9(dppm)] Clusters (Q = Se, Te; dppm = Ph2PCH2PPh2)
J. Cluster Science?2007,?18, 606-617.
142. M. Scheer, L. J. Gregoriades, M. Zabel, M. Sierka, L. Zhang, H. Eckert
Conformational Analysis of One-Dimensional Coordination Polymers Based on [Cp2Cr2(CO)4(μ,η2-P2)] by Solid-State Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy and DFT Calculations
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2007, 2775-2782.
141. M. Scheer, D. Himmel, B. P. Johnson, C. Kuntz, M. Schiffer
Ring Expansion of a Cp* Moiety - Formation of a 1,2-Diphosphacyclooctatetraene Ligand
Angew. Chem.?2007,?119, 4045-4049;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2007,?46, 3971-3975.

Organometallics 2007

G. Balázs, L. Gregoriades, M. Scheer

Triple Bonds between Transition Metals and the Heavier Elements of Group 14 and 15

Organometallics?2007,?26, 3058-3075.


140. G. Balázs, L. Gregoriades, M. Scheer
Triple Bonds between Transition Metals and the Heavier Elements of Group 14 and 15
Organometallics?2007,?26, 3058-3075.
139. A. Adolf, M. Zabel, M. Scheer
Main Group Lewis Acid/Base Stabilised Phosphanylboranes
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2007, 2136-2143.
138. S. Wang, J. Bai, H. Xing, Y. Li, Y. Song, Y. Pan, M. Scheer, X. You
Novel Alternating Ferro-Ferromagnetic Two-Dimensional (4,4) and Photoluminescent Three-Dimensional Interpenetrating PtS-Type Coordination Networks Constructed from a new Flexible Tripodal Ligand as a Four-Connected Node
Cryst. Growth & Design?2007,?7, 747-754.
137. S. Wang, J. Bai, M. Scheer, X. You
Metal disordering Cu(II) supramolecular polymers constructed from a tripodal ligand possessing two different functional groups
Cryst. Eng. Comm.?2007,?9, 228-235.
136. M. Pronold, M. Scheer, J. Wachter, M. Zabel
Investigation into the Formation of Supramolecular Compounds from Mixed As/S-Ligand Complexes [(Cp*Mo)2As2S3] (Cp* = C5Me5) and Copper Halides
Inorg. Chem.?2007,?46, 1396-1400.
135. S. Wang, H. Xing, Y. Li, J. Bai, M. Scheer, X. You;
2D and 3D Cadmium(II) coordination polymers from a flexible tripodal ligand of 1,3,5-Tris(carboxymethoxy)benzene and bidentate pyridyl containing ligands with three-, eight- and ten connected topologies
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2006, 3041-3053.
134. O. C. Presly, M. Green, J. C. Jeffery, E. Leiner, M. Murray, C. A. Russell, M. Scheer, U. Vogel
The surprising and stereoselective formation of P2C10?Cages by reduction of Cp*PCl2
Chem. Commun.?2006, 4542-4544.
133. G. Balázs, J. C. Green, M. Scheer?
Terminally Coordinated AsS and PS Ligands
Chem. Eur. J.?2006,?12, 8603-8608.
132. G. Jiang, Y. Li, W. Hua, Y. Song, J. Bai, S. Li, M. Scheer
A supramolecular assembly of {Fe10} molecular wheels with tubular structures
Cryst. Eng. Comm.?2006,?8, 384-387.
131. M. Scheer, L. J. Gregoriades, A. V. Virovets, W. Kunz, R. Neueder. I. Krossing
Reversible Formation of Polymeric Chains by Coordination of Pentaphosphaferrocene with Silver(I) Cations
Angew. Chem.?2006,?118, 5818-5822;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2006,?45, 5689-5693.
130. L. J. Gregoriades, H. Krauss, J. Wachter, A. V. Virovets, M. Sierka. M. Scheer?
The Potential of a?cyclo-As3?Ligand Complex in Supramolecular Chemistry
Angew. Chem.?2006,?118, 4295-4298;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2006,?45, 4189-4192.
129. U. Vogel, A. Y. Timoshkin, K. Schwan, M. Bodensteiner, M. Scheer
The formation of Lewis acid/base stabilised phosphanyltrielanes - A theoretical and experimental study
J. Organomet. Chem.?2006,?691, 4556-4564.
128. K. Schwan, A. Timoshkin, M. Zabel, M. Scheer
Lewis-Base Stabilised Phosphanylborane
Chem. Eur. J.?2006,?12, 4900-4908.
127. B. P. Johnson, F. Dielmann, G. Balázs, M. Sierka, M. Scheer
Spherical Cluster Comprising a Four- and Six-Membered Ring Motif
Angew. Chem.?2006,?118, 2533-2536;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2006,?45, 2473-2475.
126. B. P. Johnson, G. Balázs, M. Scheer
Low-coordinate E1?ligand complexes of group 15 elements - A developing area
Coord. Chem. Rev.?2006,?250, 1178-1195.


125. M. Scheer, J. Bai, B. P. Johnson, R. Merkle, A. V. Virovets; C. E. Anson
Fullerene-like Nanoballs formed by Pentaphosphaferrocene and CuBr
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2005,?20, 4023-4026.
124. G. Balázs, M. Sierka, M. Scheer
Antimony-Tungsten Triple Bond - A Stable Complex with a terminal Sb Ligand
Angew. Chem.?2005,?117, 4999-5003;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2005,?44, 4920-4924.
123. M. Scheer, S. Deng, O. J. Scherer, M. Sierka
Novel Tetraphosphacyclopentadienyl and Triphosphaallyl Ligands in Iron Complexes
Angew. Chem.?2005,?117, 3821-3825;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2005,?44, 3755-3758.
122. M. Scheer, L. Gregoriades, J. Bai, M. Sierka, G. Brunklaus, H. Eckert
One-Dimensional Polymers Based on [{CpMo(CO)2}2(μ,η2-P2)]: Solid State Conformation Analysis by NMR Spectroscopy and DFT Calculations
Chem. Eur. J.?2005,?11, 2163-2169.
121. U. Vogel, K. Schwan, P. Hoemensch, M. Scheer?
Reactivity of Lewis Acid/Base Stabilized Phosphanyl- and Arsanylboranes towards a Platinum(0) Complex
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2005, 1453-1458.
120. M. Scheer, U. Vogel, U. Becker, G. Balázs, P. Scheer, W. H?nle, M. Becker, M. Jansen
Synthesis and Characterisation of Novel Complexes Containing Group 15 Elements and their Potential Use as Molecular Precursors for the Formation of Transition Metal Pnictides
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2005, 135-141.
119. H. B?ttcher, D. Himmel, M. Scheer
Hydrodimetallation of tert-Butylphosphaalkyne by a Diruthenium Complex - Crystal and Molecular Structure of [Ru2(CO)4(?-PBut2)(?-Ph2PCH2PPh2){?-PC(H)But}]
Organometallics?2004,?23, 5314-5316.
118. D. Himmel, M. Seitz, M. Scheer
Beitr?ge zum Reaktionsverhalten von Phosphaalkinen gegenüber ?bergangsmetallkomplexen - Synthese und Kristallstrukturanalyse von [(Ph3P)2Pt(η2-PCMes)], [M(CO)34-P2C2Mes2)] (M = Fe, Ru), [Cp*Mo(CO)Cl(η4-P2C2tBu2)] und [K(tol)2]2[Mn(CO)4{Mn(CO)34-P2C2tBu2)}2]2
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?2004,?630, 1220-1228.
117. P. Mathur, S. Chatterjee, B. P. Singh, T. Kundu, R. Trivedi, S. B. Umbarkar, M. Scheer?
Second Molecular Hyperpolarizability of Mixed Transiotion Metal, Non-metal Clusters
J. Cluster Sci.?2004,?15, 13-31.
116. U. Vogel, K. Schwan, M. Scheer?
Reactivity of a Phosphanylalane Complex towards Lewis Bases
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2004, 2062-2065.
115. B. P. Johnson, G. Balázs, M. Scheer?
Complexes with a Metal Phosphorus Triple Bond
Topics in Current Chemistry 232, New Aspects in Phosphorous Chemistry - Volume IV,?2004, 1-23, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin.
114. M. Scheer, M. Kaupp, A. V. Virovets, S. N. Konchenko
Elemental Gallium as a Source of Novel Subvalent Gallium Units in Unprecedented Ga/Rh Clusters
Angew. Chem.?2003,?115, 5237-5240;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2003,?42, 5083-5086.
113. S. N. Konchenko, N. A. Pushkarevsky, M. Scheer
First Examples of Electrophilic Addition to a Fe2Q Face of [Fe3(?3-Q)(CO)9]2-?(Q = Se, Te) - Synthesis and Characterisation of [MFe3(?3-Q)(CO)9Cp*] and [IrFe2(?3-Q)(CO)7Cp*] (M = Rh, Ir; Cp* = η5-C5(CH3)5)
J. Cluster Science?2003,?14, 299-312.
112. U. Vogel, M. Scheer
LiE(SiMe3)2?(E = P, As) als Synthesebaustein zur Darstellung von Molybd?nkomplexen mit EH funktionellen Liganden
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?2003,?629, 1491-1495.
111. J. Bai, A. V. Virovets, M. Scheer?
Synthesis of Inorganic Fullerene-like Molecules
Science,?2003,?300, 781-783.
110. U. Vogel, P. Sekar, R. Ahlrichs, U. Huniar, M. Scheer
Unusual Bonding Situation in a novel Au(I) Phosphido Complex with a planar Au3P3-Framework
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2003, 1518-1522
109. S. N. Konchenko, N. A. Pushkarevsky, A. V. Virovets, M. Scheer
Reactions of [Fe3(?3-Q)(CO)9] (Q = Se, Te) with organic and organometallic dihalides of group 15 elements - An approach to functionalised clusters
J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2003, 581-585
108. U. Vogel, P. Hoemensch, K. Schwan, A. Y. Timoshkin, M. Scheer
The stabilization of monomeric parent compounds of phosphanyl- and arsanylboranes
Chem. Eur. J.?2003,?9, 515-519.
107. E. Leiner, M. Scheer
A synthetic approach to novel group 13/15 element complexes
Organometallics?2002,?21, 4448-4453.
106. S. N. Konchenko, N. A. Pushkarevsky, M. Scheer;
Synthesis and structure of the novel mixed Sb/Se and Sb/Te-containing Iron Carbonyl Clusters [Fe3(?3-Y)(?3-SbMes)(CO)9] (Y = Se, Te) and [Fe3(?321-SeSbMes)(?3-SbMes)(CO)10]
J. Organometal. Chem.?2002,?658, 204-209.
105. J. Bai, A. V. Virovets, M. Scheer
Pentaphosphaferrocene as a Linking Unit for the Formation of One- and Two-Dimensional Polymers
Angew. Chem.?2002,?114, 1808-1811;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,?2002,?41, 1737-1740.
104. J. Bai, E. Leiner, M. Scheer
P2?Ligand Complexes as Building Blocks for the Formation of One-Dimensional Polymers
Angew. Chem.?2002,?114, 820-823;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2002,?41, 783-786.
103. E. Leiner, O. Hampe, M. Scheer
Synthesis and Structure of Novel Complexes of Gallium
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2002, 584 - 590.
102. E. Leiner, M. Scheer?
Cp*GaCl2?and Cp*2GaCl (Cp* = η1-C5Me5) as starting materials for novel group 13 element complexes
J. Organometal. Chem.?2002,?646, 247-254.
101. M. Scheer, M. Schiffer, E. Leiner, B. P. Johnson, C. Haindl, S. Umbarkar
Complexes with a metal-phosphorus triple bond as versatile building blocks in coordination and organometallic chemistry
Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon?2002,?177, 1617-1620.

U. Vogel, A. Y. Timoshkin, M. Scheer
Lewis acid/base-stabilised phosphanylalane and -galane
Angew. Chem.?2001,?113, 4541-4544;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2001,?40, 4409-4412.

99. M. Schiffer, M. Scheer
Insertion reactions of nitriles into the P-C bond of [(η1-C5Me5)P{W(CO)5}2] - A novel approach to phosphorus containing heterocycles
Angew. Chem.?2001,?113, 3520-3523;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2001,?40, 3413-3416.
98. U. Vogel, M. Scheer
Zur Oxidation von komplexierten Phosphanen bzw. Arsanen an Platin(0)-Komplexen
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?2001,?627, 1593-1598.
97. M. Schiffer, E. Leiner, M. Scheer
Different transformation pathways in the photolysis of [Cp*P{W(CO)5}2]
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2001, 1661-1663.
96. M. Schiffer, M. Scheer
Trapping reactions of an intermediate containing a tungsten-phosphorus triple bond with alkynes
Chem. Eur. J.?2001,?7, 1855-1861.
95. U. Vogel, G. St??er, M. Scheer
Die komplexchemische Stabilisierung von Dichlorodiphosphen
Angew. Chem.?2001,?113, 1476-1478;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2001,?40, 1443-1445.
94. U. Vogel, M. Scheer
Synthesis of novel transition metal group 15 cage compounds and their use as molecular precursors for binary and ternary transition metal pnictides
Phosphorus, Sulfur Silicon and Related Elements?2001,?168-169, 547-550.
93. E. Leiner, M. Scheer
Cp*-migration - an approach to novel group 13 element complexes
Phosphorus, Sulfur Silicon and Related Elements?2001,?168-169, 489-492.
92. S. B. Umbarkar, P. Sekar, M. Scheer?
Reactivity study of the P2?ligand complex [{CpCr(CO)2}2(?,η2-P2)]
Phosphorus, Sulfur Silicon and Related Elements?2001,?168-169, 529-532.
91. M. Scheer, P. Kramkowski, M. Schiffer, B. P. Johnson, E. Leiner?
Complexes with a metal phosphorus triple bond - A novel class of highly reactive compounds
Phosphorus, Sulfur Silicon and Related Elements?2001,?168-169, 179-184.
90. M. Scheer, S. B. Umbarkar, S. Chatterjee, R. Trivedi, P. Mathur
Novel approach to mixed group 15/16 Element ligands forming unusual trichalcogenophosphonato ligands in mixed Fe/Cr clusters
Angew. Chem.?2001,?113, 399-401;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2001,?40, 376-378.
89. M. Schiffer, B. P. Johnson, M. Scheer?
Untersuchungen zur Darstellung von [CpxSb{M(CO)5}2] (Cpx?= Cp, Cp*; M = Cr, W)
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?2000,?626, 2498-2504.
88. T. Gr?er, T. Palm, M. Scheer
Novel main group-transition metal cluster compounds incorporating antimony, iron and cobalt
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2000, 2591-2595.
87. P. Sekar, S. Umbarkar, M. Scheer, A. Voigt, R. Kirmse
Synthesis and properties of novel metal linked Pn?ligand complexes
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2000, 2585-2589.
86. T. Gr?er, M. Scheer
Transition Metal substituted Dichlorobismuthanes as Starting Materials for Novel Bismuth-Transition Metal Clusters
Organometallics?2000,?19, 3683-3691.
85. B. P. Johnson, M. Schiffer, M. Scheer?
Novel Approach to Intermediates Containing a Tungsten Arsenic Triple Bond
Organometallics?2000,?19, 3404-3409.
84. P. Kramkowski, M. Scheer
Cyclooligomerisation reactions of different phosphaalkynes in the presence of [W(CO)5thf] - Route to tungsten-stabilised phosphorus heterocycles
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.?2000, 1869-1876.
83. M. Schiffer, M. Scheer
On the pathway of the η1?- η5?migration of a Cp* ligand
J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans.?2000, 2493-2494.
82. T. Gr?er, M. Scheer
Untersuchungen zur P-P-Bindungsknüpfung in der Koordinationssph?re von ?bergangsmetallen
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?2000,?626, 1211-1216.
81. S. Umbarkar, P. Sekar, M. Scheer
Chromium complexes with mixed group 15 elements as ligands - Synthesis and characterisation of the first?cyclo-P2As ligand in [Cp(CO)2Cr(η3-P2As)]
J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans.?2000, 1135-1137.
80. M. Scheer, J. Müller, M. Schiffer, G. Baum, R. Winter
Pnictides as symmetrically bridging ligands in novel neutral complexes
Chem. Eur. J.?2000,?6, 1252 - 1257
79. P. Kramkowski, M. Scheer
"Nackter" Phosphor als gewinkelt-verbrückender Ligand
Angew. Chem.?2000,?112, 959-962;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2000,?39, 928-931.
78. T. Gr?er, M. Scheer
Structure and reactivity of transition metal substituted dichloroantimony and dichlorobismuth complexes
J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans.?2000, 647-653.
77. U. Vogel, G. Baum, M. Scheer
Untersuchungen zur Sb-Sb-Bindungsknüpfung in der Koordinationssph?re von ?bergangsmetallen
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?2000,?626, 444-449.


76. P. Kramkowski, M. Scheer?
?bergangsmetallinduzierte Pentamerisierung von Phosphaalkin
Angew. Chem.?1999,?111, 3384-3387;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?1999,?38, 3183-3186.
75. P. Kramkowski, G. Baum, U. Radius, M. Kaupp, M. Scheer
Novel Complexes with a short Tungsten Phosphorus Triple Bond
Chem. Eur. J.?1999,?5, 2890-2898.
74. M. Scheer, P. Kramkowski, K. Schuster
An approach to novel Complexes with a Tungsten-Phosphorus Triple Bond
Organometallics?1999,?18, 2874-2883.
73. P. Sekar, M. Scheer, A. Voigt, R. Kirmse
Unusual reactivity of a Cr2P2?tetrahedral complex towards superhydride; Formation of [{CpCr(CO)2}2(?-PH2)x(?-H)2-x] (x = 1 and 2) and [<{CpCr(CO)2}2(?-PH)>{(CpCr)2(?,η1155-P5)}]
Organometallics?1999,?18, 2833-2837.
72. M. Scheer, P. Kramkowski, M. Schiffer, J. Müller
Complexes with a Metal Phosphorus Triple Bond
Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon?1999,?144:1, 717-720.
71. T. Gr?er, G. Baum M. Scheer
Complexes with a Monohapto Bound Phosphorus Tetrahedron and Phosphaalkyne
Organometallics?1998,?17, 5916-5919.
70. M. Scheer, J. Müller, G. Baum, M. H?ser
Antimony as symmetrically bridged ligand in a novel neutral complex
Chem. Commun.?1998, 2505-2506.
69. M. H. Chisholm, K. Folting, M. Scheer
A study of the photochemical reaction between W2(OCH2tBu)6?and P4. Characterization of the phosphido cluster W4(?-P)2(OCH2tBu)10
68. M. Scheer, E. Leiner, P. Kramkowski, M. Schiffer, G. Baum
A Novel Synthetic Approach to Highly Reactive Intermediates Containing a Metal Phosphorus Triple Bond
Chem. Eur. J.?1998,?4, 1917-1923.
67. M. Scheer, J. Müller, G. Baum, M. H?ser
Reaction Behaviour of a Complex Containing a Tungsten Phosphorus Triple Bond with?s-Acceptor-Compounds of Group 13
Chem. Commun.?1998, 1051-1052.
66. M. Scheer, U. Becker, J. Magull
The reaction of P4?with [Cp'Mo(CO)3]2?(Cp' = η5-C5H4tBu) - the structure of [Cp'Mo(CO)2<(η3-P4){Cr(CO)5}4(H)>]
Polyhedron?1998,?17, 1983-1989.
65. M. Scheer, J. Krug?
Zur Reaktion von?tert-Butyl-phosphaalkin mit Molybd?nkomplexen
Z. anorg. allg. Chem.?1998,?624, 399-405.
64. P. Kramkowski, M. Scheer, G. Baum
Different Reaction Modes of Supermesitylphosphaalkyne with [W(CO)5thf] - Unusual C-H-Activation forming an Indanyl Substituent
J. Organomet. Chem.?1998,?553, 511-516.
63. M. Scheer, J. Krug, P. Kramkowski, J. F. Corrigan?
Reaction of Phosphaalkynes with [Ru4(CO)13(?3-PPh)]: Synthesis of Unsymmetrically Capped Bisphosphinidene Complexes
Organometallics?1997,?16, 5917-5922.
62. M. Scheer, U. Becker
Dreikomponentenreaktionen unter photochemischen Bedingungen - Der Transformationsweg des P4-Phosphors in der Koordinationssph?re von Co-Komplexen
J. Organomet. Chem.?1997,?545-546, 451-460.

M. Scheer
Metal Element Triple Bonds of the Heavier Group 15 Elements
Coord. Chem. Rev.?1997,?163, 271-286.

60. M. Scheer, P. G. Jones?
Acta Cryst.?1997,?C53, 1198-1199.
59. M. Scheer und P. G. Jones;?
Bis(triphenylphosphine-P)iminium Trichloro(η5-cyclopentadienyl)chromide(III)
Acta Cryst.?1997, C53, 1038 - 1039
58. M. Scheer, K. Schuster, A. Krug, H. Hartung
[Cr(CO)5PCl3] - A Starting Material for Phosphorus Rich Px?Ligand Complexes
Chem. Ber.?1997,?130, 1299-1304.
57. H. H. Karsch, F. Bienlein, T. Rupprich, F. Uhlig, E. Herrmann, M. Scheer
Tris(trimethylsilyl)phosphine, alkylbis(trimethylsilyl)phosphines, Bis(alkyl)(trimethylsilyl)phosphines, sodium bis(trimethylsilyl)phosphide, potassium bis(trimethylsilyl)phosphide - P(SiMe3)3, RP(SiMe3)2, NaP(SiMe3)2, KP(SiMe3)2
Synth. Methods Organomet. Inorg. Chem.?1996,?3, 58-65.
56. M. Scheer, J. Müller, M. H?ser
Komplexe mit Phosphor und Arsen als terminalen Liganden
Angew. Chem.?1996,?108, 2637-2641;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?1996,?35, 2492-2496.
55. M. Scheer, U. Becker
Zur Transformation des P4-Tetraeders durch Ni-Komplexe
Chem. Ber.?1996,?129, 1307-1310.
54. M. Scheer, K. Schuster, A. Krug, H. Hartung
Komplexe mit Metall-Phosphor-Dreifachbindungen als m?gliche Intermediate der Umsetzungen von Chlorophosphiniden-Komplexen mit Metallaten verschiedener ?bergangsmetalle
Chem. Ber.?1996,?129, 973-979.
53. T. A. Budzichowski, M. H. Chisholm, K. Folting, W. E. Streib, M. Scheer?
Tetranuclear Phosphinidine, Phosphide, Arsenide and Oxide Anionic Clusters of Molybdenum and Tungsten Supported by Neopentoxide Ligands: Na(18-crown-6)2[Mo4(OCH2tBu)11PSiMe3], K(18-crown-6)[M4(OCH2tBu)10(E)] Where E = P and As and K(18-crown-6)[M4(OCH2tBu)11(O)]
Inorg. Chem.?1996,?35, 3659-3666.
52. M. Scheer, U. Becker, E. Matern
Ir-Komplexe mit P4-Bicyclotetraphosphan und P8-Cunean als Liganden - CO-Insertion in eine Ir(P-Bindung
Chem. Ber.?1996,?129, 721-724.
51. M. Scheer, K. Schuster, U. Becker
Different Ways of P4?Transformation in the Coordination Sphere of Transition Metals
Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon?1996,?109-110, 141-144.
50. M. Scheer
Terminale E1-Liganden aus Elementen der Gruppe 15
Angew. Chem.?1995,?107, 2151-2153;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?1995,?34, 1997-1999.
49. M. Scheer, K. Schuster, T. A. Budzichowski, M. H. Chisholm, W. E. Streib
Is it Possible to Stabilise Complexes with a Tungsten Phosphorus Triple Bond?
J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.?1995, 1671-1672.
48. M. Scheer, U. Becker, M. H. Chisholm, J. C. Huffman, F. Lemoigno, O. Eisenstein
[Cp"Co(P4){(Cp"Co)2(?-CO)}] (Cp" = η5-C5H3tBu2) - A Complex with a P4?Unit on the Way to a P1- and a P3-Ligand (VIII. Mitteilung über P4-Liganden mit maximaler Elektronendonorf?higkeit)
Inorg. Chem.?1995,?34, 3117-3119.
47. M. Scheer, C. Troitzsch, L. Hilfert, M. Dargatz, E. Kleinpeter, P. G. Jones, J. Sieler
Die Dreikomponentenreaktion von P4-Phosphor und [CpxRh(CO)2] (Cpx?= Cp', Cp"; Cp' = η5-C5H4tBu, Cp" = η5-C5H3tBu2-1,3) in Gegenwart von [Cr(CO)5THF] bzw. [CpMn(CO)2THF] - Eine Methode zum Studium des Transformationsweges vom P4-Tetraeder zum planaren?cyclo-P4-Liganden (VII. Mitteilung über Pn-Liganden mit maximaler Elektronendonorf?higkeit)
Chem. Ber.?1995,?128, 251-257.
46. M. Scheer, U. Becker
The Reaction Behavior of White Phosphorus with Metal Complexes of Cobalt and Molybdenum (X. Mitteilung über P4-Liganden mit maximaler Elektronendonorf?higkeit)
Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon?1994,?93/94, 391-392.
45. M. Scheer, U. Becker
Cyclo-P4?Ligands with an Maximum of Electron-Donating Ability (IX. Mitteilung über P4-Liganden mit maximaler Elektronendonorf?higkeit)
Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon?1994,?93/94, 257-260.
44. M. Scheer
P4-Liganden mit maximaler Elektronendonorf?higkeit - Die Dreikomponentenreaktion
GIT?1994,?38, 36-37.
43. M. Scheer, U. Becker, J. C. Huffman, M. H. Chisholm
[CoCp"(η4-P4){Cr(CO)5}3] (Cp" = η5-C5H3tBu2-1,3) - The product of the reaction between P4-Phosphorus and [CoCp"(?-CO)]2?in the presence of [Cr(CO)5THF] (VI. Mitteilung über P4-Liganden mit maximaler Elektronendonorf?higkeit)
J. Organomet. Chem.?1993,?461, C1-C3.
42. M. Scheer, K. Schuster, U. Becker, A. Krug, H. Hartung
Mono- und Di-t-butylcyclopentadienyl-Carbonyl-Komplexe des Mangans, Eisens, Cobalts und Rhodiums - Die Kristallstrukturen von [CpxFe(CO)2]2?(Cpx?= η5-C5H3(tBu)R-1,3, R = H,?tBu)
J. Organomet. Chem.?1993,?460, 105-110-
41. M. Scheer
Transformation of White Phosphorus by Carbonyl Complexes
Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon?1993,?77, 264.
40. M. Scheer, St. Gremler, E. Herrmann, M. Dargatz, H.-D. Sch?dler?
Zur Synthese von Tris(diorganylphosphino)phosphanen mit Substituenten geringen Raumbedarfs
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?1993,?619, 1047-1052.
39. M. Scheer, G. Friedrich, K. Schuster
[Cr(CO)5PCl3] - Ein P1-Baustein zur Bildung von?cyclo-Px-Ligand-Komplexen (x = 3, 5)
Angew. Chem.?1993,?105, 641-643;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?1993,?32, 593-594.
38. M. Scheer, M. Dargatz, P. G. Jones
Zur Chlorierung eines?cyclo-P4-Ligand-Komplexes (V. Mitteilung über P4-Liganden mit maximaler Elektronendonorf?higkeit)
J. Organomet. Chem.?1993,?447, 259-264.
37. M. Scheer. S. Gremler
Synthese und spektroskopische Eigenschaften neuer komplexierter Triphosphane
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chemie?1993,?619, 471-475.
36. S. Gremler, M. Scheer
Zum Reaktionsverhalten der Tris(dialkylthiophosphinyl)phosphane - Die Kristallstruktur von [Ag{O[P(S)Me2]2][AsF6]
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chemie?1993,?619, 466-470.
35. M. Scheer, Ch. Troitzsch, P.G. Jones
Die Bildung von?cyclo-P4-Liganden mit maximaler Elektronendonorf?higkeit (IV. Mitteilung über P4-Liganden mit maximaler Elektronendonorf?higkeit)
Angew. Chem.?1992,?104, 1395-1397;
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?1992,?31, 1377-1379.
34. M. Scheer, M. Dargatz, A. Rufinska
P4-Liganden mit maximaler Elektronendonorf?higkeit III. Zum Reaktionsverhalten von Phosphankomplexen des Platins mit P4-Phosphor
J. Organomet. Chem.?1992,?440, 327-333.
33. B. Walther, H.-C. B?ttcher, M. Scheer, G. Fischer, D. Fenske, G. Süss-Fink
Synthese, Charakterisierung und Reaktivit?t heterodinuklearer Komplexe: [(CO)4Fe(?-PtBu2)Rh(CO)L] (Fe-Rh) (L = CO, HPtBu2), [(CO)3Co(?-H)(?-PtBu2)Rh(CO)(HPtBu2)] (Co-Rh)
J. Organomet. Chem.?1992,?437, 307-321.
32. M. Scheer, M. Dargatz, K. Schenzel, P.G. Jones
P4-Liganden mit maximaler Elektronendonorf?higkeit II. [{Fe(CO)42-P2)}2{?-Fe2(CO)6}2] - ein Komplex mit einer ungew?hnlich stabilisierten P4-Einheit
J. Organomet. Chem.?1992,?435, 123-132.
31. M. Scheer, P. G. Jones?
Die Kristallstruktur des Tris(dimethylthiophosphinyl)phosphans
J. Organomet. Chem.?1992,?434, 57-61.
30. M. Scheer, V. P. Fedin, Yu. V. Mironov, V. E. Fedorov
Zum Reaktionsverhalten von Molybd?n-, Wolfram- und Rheniumchalkogeniden mit Phosphorpentachlorid (russ.)
Zh. Neorg. Khim.?1991,?36, 1382-1384.
29. F. Uhlig, St. Gremler, M. Dargatz, M. Scheer, E. Herrmann
Bis(trimethylsilyl)phosphide der Alkalimetalle
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chemie?1991,?606, 105-108.
28. M. Scheer, St. Gremler, E. Herrmann, P. G. Jones?
Darstellung und Charakterisierung komplexierter Triphosphane - Die Kristallstruktur von HP[PPh2Cr(CO)5]2
J. Organomet. Chem.?1991,?414, 337-349.
27. M. Scheer, St. Gremler, E. Herrmann, U. Grünhagen, M. Dargatz, E. Kleinpeter?
MIP(SiMe3)2?( MI?= Li, Na, K) - Ein Baustein zur Synthese von iso-Tetraphosphanen des Typs P(PR2)3?(R = Ph,?cyclo-C6H11?(Cy))
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?1991,?600, 203-210.
26. M. Scheer, E. Herrmann, J. Sieler, M. Oehme?
Der?cyclo-P4-Ligand als 12 Elektronendonator
Angew. Chem.?1991,?103, 1023-1025;
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.?1991,?30, 969-971.
25. M. Scheer, K. Schuster, K. Schenzel, E. Herrmann, P. G. Jones?
Mono- und Di-t-Butylcyclopentadienyl-Carbonyl-Komplexe des Eisens und Molybd?ns - Die Kristallstruktur von [Cp"Mo(CO)2]2(Cp" = η5-C5H3tBu2-1,3)
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?1991,?600, 109-119.
24. M. Scheer, T. T. Nam, K. Schenzel, E. Herrmann, P. G. Jones, V. P. Fedin, V. N. Ikorski, V. E, Fedorov?
Das Reaktionsverhalten von Phosphorpentahalogeniden mit ?bergangsmetallcarbonylverbindungen. IV [1,2] - Das Reaktionsverhalten gegenüber [CpM(CO)3]2?( M = Cr, Mo, W) - Die Kristallstruktur von CpCrCl2CH3CN
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?1990,?591, 221-229.
23. M. Scheer, T. T. Nam, E. Herrmann, V. P. Fedin, V. E. Fedorov?
Die Reaktion von Phosphorpentabromid mit Chromiumhexacarbonyl in Acetonitril
Z. Chem.?1990,?30, 451-452.
22. M. Scheer, T. T. Nam, E. Herrmann, V. P. Fedin, V. N. Ikorski, V. E. Fedorov?
Das Reaktionsverhalten von Phosphorpentahalogeniden mit ?bergangsmetallcarbonylen. III [1,2] - Die Reaktion von PBr5?mit Metallcarbonylen des Molybd?ns und Wolframs
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?1990,?589, 214-220.
21. M. Scheer, F. Uhlig, T. T. Nam, M. Dargatz, H.-D. Sch?dler, E. Herrmann?
Darstellung und Reaktivit?t von Tris(dialkylthiophosphinyl)phosphanen
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?1990,?585, 177-188.
20. M. Scheer, E. Herrmann?
Koordinationschemische Stabilisierung "nackter" Elemente der V. Hauptgruppe (au?er Stickstoff) - Synthese, Struktur und Bindung
Z. Chem.?1990,?30, 41-55.
19. V. P. Fedin, M. Scheer, Yu. I. Mironov, A. G. Klimenko, S. M. Ishikaev, V. P. Shaburova, V. E. Fedorov
Eine neue Methode zur Darstellung Chlor-enthaltender Hochtemperatursupraleiter YBa2Cu3O7-xCly
Isv. Sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim.?1990,?1, 134-141.
18. V. P. Fedin, M. N. Sokolov, O. A. Geras'ko, M. Scheer, V. E. Fedorov, A. V. Mironov, und L. Slovokhotov, Yu. T. Strutchkov
New synthetic Route to W3S44+?clusters: preparation and structure of [W3(?-S)(?-S)3(S4)3(H2O)3]2-
Inorg. Chim. Acta?1989,?165, 25-26.
17. B. Walther, M. Scheer, H.-C. B?ttcher, A. Trunschke, H. Ewald, D. Gutschick, H. Miessner, M. Skupin, G. Vorbeck
Synthesis of triangular [RhM2Cp3(CO)n] clusters ( M = Ni, n = 2; M = Fe, n = 4; M = Mo,W, n = 5). [RhMo2Cp3(CO)5] as catalyst precursor in the CO hydrogenation reaction
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16. M. Scheer, E. Herrmann, A. Kolbe, V. P. Fedin, V. N. Ikorski, V. E. Fedorov
Zur Reaktivit?t von Phosphorpentachlorid mit Chromiumhexacarbonyl
Z. Chem.?1989,?29, 406-407.
15. A. G. Klimenko, S. M. Ishikaev, Yu. I. Mironov, V. P. Fedin, V. E. Fedorov, M. Scheer
Synthese und Eigenschaften einphasiger Verbindungen des Typs YBa2Cu3O7-yClx?(russ.)
Supraleiter: Physik, Chemie, Technik?1989,?2, 141-145.
14. M. Scheer, A. Kolbe, E. Herrmann, V. P. Fedin, V. E. Fedorov, V. N. Ikorski, M. A. Fedotov
Zur Reaktivit?t von PCl5?mit ?bergangsmetallcarbonylen und -phosphiden
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?1988,?567, 111-121.
13. M. Scheer, V. P. Fedin, V. E. Fedorov, B. A. Kolosov
Die Synthese eines Thiobromides des Wolframs (WS2Br)n?(russ.)
Koord. Khim.?1988,?14, 856.
12. V. P. Fedin, Yu. V. Mironov, M. Scheer, V. E. Fedorov;?
Synthese mehrkerniger Thiokomplexe des Molybd?ns und Wolframs (russ.)
Zh. Vsesojusn. Khim. Obshch.?1987,?32, 106-107.
11. M. Scheer, V. P. Fedin, V. E. Fedorov, M. A. Fedotov, P. P. Semjanikov
Zur Reaktivit?t von Telluriden des Niobs, Molybd?ns, Wolframs und Rheniums mit Phosphorpentachlorid (russ.)
Zh. Neorg. Khim.?1987,?38, 1769-1771.
10. A. Zschunke, M. Scheer, M. V?ltzke, K. Jurkschat, A. Tzschach?
Zur Synthese und Struktur von Pentacarbonylmetall(0)-Komplexen intramolekular basenstabilisierter Zinn(II)-Verbindungen
J. Organomet. Chem.?1986,?308, 325-334.
9. A. Tzschach, K. Jurkschat, M. Scheer;?
Intramolekular donorstabilisierte Stannylene - 5-Element-stanna(II)-bicyclooctane
Nova Acta Leopoldina?1985,?59, 305-320.
8. K. Jurkschat, M. Scheer, A. Tzschach, J. Meunier-Piret, M. van Meersche
Crystal and molecular structure of 5-t-butyl-5-aza-2,8-dithia-1-stanna(II)bicyclo[3.3.01,5]octane. Identification of two different geometries along the dissociation-inversion pathway
J. Organomet. Chem.?1985,?281, 173-180.
7. A. Tzschach, M. Scheer, K. Jurkschat
Zur Reaktivit?t von intramolekular basenstabilisierten Zinn(II)-Verbindungen mit Halogenen, Zinntetrachlorid und Chloroform?
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.?1984,?512, 177-180.
6. A. Tzschach, M. Scheer, K. Jurkschat
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Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Prof. Dr. Manfred Scheer 


Mrs. Mina Pesé
Tel. +49 (0) 941 943-4440
Fax. +49 (0) 941 943-4439
