Basic scientific knowledge is useful to have a good start. In addition to chemistry, mathematics, physics and biology play an important role in your study. Your student liefe consists of morning lectures and afternoon lab courses, where you will prove your mathematical and scientific understanding as well as your experimental skills. During your study stamina and toughness would be helpful. Apart from aa these requirements but above all the interest and enjoyment of science and fascinationg phenomena are important for a successful study!
-->The Bachelor program in Chemistry starts only in the winter semester. It is not restricted. All incoming students have to contact the UR?International Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt).
Please find more information here: /ur-international/index.html
-->If you are an incoming student and you need advice in organizing your stay in Regensburg, please contact the UR International Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt).
Homeapge: /ur-international/index.html
If you have questions concerning chemistry study (study sequence, study organization, examination matters…) or if you want to seek advice for recognition of courses (study abroad, degree courses, etc.), please contact:
Student Advisory Service Chemistry (Studiengangskoordinatorin)
Dr. Claudia Wanninger-Wei?
Office CH?03.1.87
Telefone +49 (0) 941 943–4573
E-Mail: studienberatung.chemie[at]
For questions concerning student life in Regensburg, please contact:
Student representatives
Room: CH 13.0.81
Telefone: +49 (0) 941 943–4249 (12 am-1 pm)
E-Mail: fachschaft.chemie[at]
At the UR you have to use the electronic examination management system (FlexNow) to register for courses and exams. FlexNow is available here:
All courses and examinations you have to register for you can find in the module catalogue. Generally you have to register for all module examinations listed at number 12. If there are separate (not graded) courses listed at number 11, you have to register for them as well.
Please register for your examinations right at the beginning of the semester. You can only take your exams with a valid FlexNow registration. Please note that the registration is obligate. Of course you can cancel or change your registration (special deadlines). If you do not take an exam even though you are registered via FlexNow, you will get a note “Vers?umnis” (“failure”) in FlexNow and that means not passing the exam (grade 5.0)
For recognition of extern course achievements to the Bachelor and Master program in chemistry at the UR please make an appointment with the Student Advisory Service Chemistry (Studiengangskoordination Chemie)
Dr. Claudia Wanninger-Wei?
Office CH?03.1.87
Telefone +49 (0) 941 943–4573
E-Mail: studienberatung.chemie[at]
Please bring documents that prove your course acchivements (e.g. transcript of records) and a synopsis of the courses. Your “wish list” for recognition will be assessed by the following professors:
Prof. Dr. B. K?nig (Organic Chemistry), Prof. Dr. A. Pfitzner (Inorganic Chemistry), Prof. Dr. W. Kunz (Physical Chemistry) and Prof. Dr. J. Wegener (Analytical Chemistry)
The aim of the Bachelor program is a basic scientific education in the core subjects of Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry and Theoretical Chemistry) including essential basics in Mathematics and Physics. The curriculum of the Bachelor program are closely aligned to the "recommendations of the study reform commission to base study chemistry" of the German Chemical Society in 1998, which have been implemented at many German universities and ensure the comparability of the first six semesters of a chemistry degree. A unique feature of the UR is the special consideration of analytical chemistry to undergraduate studies, since this discipline is represented at the Chemistry department by an own institution. The examination regulations provide a fixed, modulated program. 13 compulsory modules spread over six semester studies. In the last year students can select one compulsory elective module to focus on additional chemical topics. The Bachelor program is based on lectures and lab courses at the University. The final module “Contexts and Concepts in Chemistry” contains the bachelor thesis as a first scientific paper.
The procedure is described in the examination regulations (Prüfungs- und Studienordnung für den Bachelorstudiengang Chemie an der Unviersit?t Regensburg vom 14.06.2010) in § 25. Each first failed module examination can be repeated twice. The first repetition has to be within six months. The period is not interrupted by deregistration. If the first retry attempt failed again, the second re-examination is an oral module examination with an examination committee consisting of at least two examiners (regardless of the provided in the module catalog).
No. Please have a look at our examination regulations (Prüfungs- und Studienordnung für den Bachelorstudiengang Chemie an der Universit?t Regensburg vom 14.06.2010)
§19 Abs. 2:
[…] To register for an examination it is necessary that the student is enrolled at the University of Regensburg.
If you are on a vacation semester you are not enrolled at the University of Regensburg. For that you cannot register for any examination for the first time. If you have further questions, please contact the Examination Office (Prüfungssekretariat) of the Chemistry department (E-Mail: pa-chemie[at]
There are three different Master programs in chemistry at the moment:
-Medicinal Chemistry
-Complex Condensed Materials and Soft Matter (COSOM)
Master program “Chemistry”:
Master students can select three basic modules out of ten compulsory elective modules. These basic modules include seven chemical disciplines, physics, biology and science informatics. The structure of the Master's program allows the choice of broad chemical education and early specialization. The basic modules close respectively with one oral examination. Two chemical disciplines are deepened in advanced modules, one of them even in a second advanced module. The final module includes the extensive scientific Master’s Thesis in combination with seminars. The Master’s Thesis can also be completed abroad. The overall grade of the Master’s degree is made up of the three oral examinations of the basic modules and the grading of the thesis.
Master program “Medicinal Chemistry”
The Master program "Medicinal Chemistry" is an established interdisciplinary study program of the basic modules Organic Chemistry, Bioanalytical Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry. These basic modules are respectively completed with an oral examination. The subjects Organic and Medicinal Chemistry are deepened in advanced modules. After that the Master's thesis has to be absolved. The overall grade of the Master’s degree is made up of the three oral examinations of the basic modules and the grading of the thesis.
Further information:
Master program “COSOM”:
The European Master "Complex Condensed Materials and Soft Matter" (COSOM) offers curricula in the areas of physical chemistry, inorganic and organic materials chemistry and analytical chemistry, and a foreign language module. In addition, a one-year, mandatory study abroad at one of the participating European partner universities (Versailles, Florence, Lille) is provided.
For admission to a Master’s degree a complete Bachelor’s degree in chemistry or an equivalent degree is required because it is a consecutive program. The procedure is defined within the examination regulations. If you are not able to submit the certificate until the application deadline, you have to prove previous examinations (e.g. certified transcript of records). The board of examiners will review the documents submitted by the applicant. If the total grade of the university degree is not at least good (to 2.5), a qualification test is performed. For this purpose, the board of examiners appoints three chemistry professors. Questions concern contents of the Bachelor’s degree.
The Master program in Chemistry can be started either in the summer semester or in the winter semester.
For application please use our application form: /chemie-pharmazie/fakultaet/medien/antrag-masterzulassung-chemie.pdf Please fill the form completely and submit it with all required documents.
In addition for foreign applicants:
-proof of German language skills (DSH-1 or comparable); further information: /ur-international/international-students/german-skills/index.html
-application form for the UR International Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt): /international/internationale-studierende/medien/dokumente/zulassungsantrag_engl_2_13.pdf
please read the info sheet: /international/internationale-studierende/medien/dokumente/merkblatt_zulassungsantrag_engl_2_13.pdf
-declaration of financial support: /international/internationale-studierende/medien/finanzierungserklaerung_engl_aktuell.pdf
Application for the winter semester: June 1st
Application for the summer semester: December 1st
Universit?t Regensburg
Dekanat der Fakult?t für Chemie u. Pharmazie
z. Hd. Dr. Claudia Wanninger-Wei?
D-93040 Regensburg
The admission requirement for the Master's program Medical Chemistry is a good Bachelor's degree (average grade at least 2.5 or better) in chemistry or biochemistry. For applicants from other disciplines, the requirements have to be examined individually. Up to 20 places are available each year. The program can be started only in the winter semester.
The following documents are required:
-Application form (
-Bachelor’s degree certificate (average grade at least 2.5) or a certified transcript of records
-Curriculum vitae
-Letter of motivation
-In addition for foreign applicants:
* proof of German language skills (DSH-1 or comparable); further information:
* application form for the UR International Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt): /international/internationale-studierende/medien/dokumente/zulassungsantrag_engl_2_13.pdf
please read the info sheet: /international/internationale-studierende/medien/dokumente/merkblatt_zulassungsantrag_engl_2_13.pdf
* declaration of financial support: /international/internationale-studierende/medien/finanzierungserklaerung_engl_aktuell.pdf
The motivation letter should have a maximum of two DIN A4 pages and must be written in German language. It has to be written independently and without assistance. The applicant shall explain:
-Due to which specific talents and interests the applicant is particularly suitable for the master program “Medicinal chemistry” at the University of Regensburg
-Why the applicant is in a position to understand the course contents and to process resulting abstract issues independently.
Application for the winter semester: June 1st
Universit?t Regensburg
Dekanat der Fakult?t für Chemie u. Pharmazie
z. Hd. Dr. Claudia Wanninger-Wei?
D-93040 Regensburg
The admission requirements for the Master's program COSOM is a good Bachelor's degree in scientific or technical subjects (180 CP) and a successfully passed quailification test. Skills in English and the language of the host country (Italy or France) at B2 level are required as well. DSH is not necessary.
The following documents are required:
-Application form: /chemie-pharmazie/fakultaet/medien/antrag-masterzulassung-chemie.pdf
-Bachlor’s degree certificate or a certified transcript of records
-Curriculum vitae
-Letter of Motivation
Within the qualification test the aptitude of the applicant is determined by the board of examiners. This procedure is performed once a year for the following winter semester. The examination takes 30 minutes; for this test the board of examiners appoints two professors. Questions concern contents of the Bachelor’s degree, especially physical chemical aspects of the fifth semester, and language skills in English.
Application for the winter semester: July 15th
Universit?t Regensburg
Dekanat der Fakult?t für Chemie u. Pharmazie
z. Hd. Dr. Claudia Wanninger-Wei?
D-93040 Regensburg
Building CH, Room 03.1.84
Phone 0941 943-2557
Fax 0941 943-4275