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Welcome at the

Central Radionuclide Laboratory (CRN)

and the

Laboratory for Environment Radioactivity (ERA)

for the Department NWF?IV - Chemistry/Pharmacy

The Central Radionuclide Laboratory (CRN) is part of the Betriebseinheit ?Zentrale Analytik“ of the NWF IV. CRN offers students and scientists using radioactive material in teaching and research suitable tools fulfilling severe requirements of radiation protection. The users charge is based upon the operating expense caused by the user.

The Laboratory of Environmental Radioactivity (URA-Lab) consists of a couple of scientists and technicians as a separated department of CRN with the focus on radionuclide analysis of all radionuclides which are important in radiation protection, research and medical applications. The URA-Lab offers a competent and reliable partnership at following fields:

  • radionuclide analysis
  • radiation protection
  • research and development
  • teaching and training of adiochemistry methods and γ-spectrometry

The URA-Lab performs radionuclide analysis even in complex matrices for all relevant radionuclides with high quality within justifiable extent costs.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Information: We are sorry, but we are not able to offer our analytical skills to private persons.

  2. Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy