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Kristof Dascher

Office Hours:

+49 941/943 3618? ?
kristof.dascher/at/ur.de ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Term weeks: Tuesdays, 3-3.45 p.m.

Short bio

I studied economics at Heidelberg, Paris-Dauphine and Bonn, graduating from Bonn in 1993.?I obtained my Ph.D. from Viadrina University in Frankfurt (Oder), in 1998.

I received the August L?sch Prize in 1998. Between 1993 and 2008 I taught economics at Viadrina University in Frankfurt (Oder), with a post-doc spell at University College Dublin. I was professor of economics at Touro College Berlin 2009-14.

Since 2014 I am at Regensburg University. I am Associate Professor for Urban Economics and Retail Real Estate. I am currently interested in daylight as well as (retail and individual) visibility within urban space. My publications and working papers can be found?here.

I teach urban economics, housing economics, and regional economics, as well as management and economics of retail real estate.

  1. University of Regensburg Homepage
  2. Department of Business, Economics and Real Estate

Kristof Dascher