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Christoph Rust



Christoph Rust is a doctoral researcher at the Chair of Econometrics since March 2017. He assists Prof. Tschernig with the courses Methods of Econometrics, Programming with?R, and Applied Financial Econometrics. Previous to this position, he has worked at the IAB?(Nuremberg) and at the Chair for Empirical Macroeconomics (Prof. Joachim M?ller).


Functional Data Analysis, nonparametric methods, spatial econometrics, analysis of high-dimensional data


2016: M.Sc. Economics, University of Regensburg
2014: B.Sc. International Economics, University of Regensburg



Dominik Liebl, Stefan Rameseder, Christoph Rust:
Improving Estimation in Functional Linear Regression with Points of Impact: Insights into Google AdWords
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 29(4) 2020, 814-826.

Nicole Litzel, Christoph Rust:
History of Success: Regensburg – A Local Growth Miracle
Contemporary Drivers of Local Development, Lex localis Press, Maribor 2019, 225-241.

Joachim M?ller, Christoph Rust:
The role of a local university in regional development
Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development, Routledge, 2018, 247-280.

Joachim M?ller, Christoph Rust:
Regensburger Absolventenstudie
Universit?tsverlag Regensburg, Regensburg 2017.

Stephan Huber, Christoph Rust:
osrmtime: Calculate Travel Time and Distance with OpenStreetMap Data Using the Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM)
The Stata Journal, 16/2 (2016), 416-423.

Work in Progress

Johann Eppelsheimer, Christoph Rust:
The Spatial Decay of Knowledge Spillovers

Christoph Rust:
Directed Local Testing in the Functional Linear Model

  1. Faculty of Business, Economics and Management Information Systems
  2. Department of Economics

RESEARCH assistant

M.Sc. Christoph Rust

Christoph Rust

Building RW(L), Zi. 516
Phone +49 941 943-2738
Fax +49 941 943-4917
Consultation hour: on request