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Chair of Leadership and Organization - Prof. Dr. Thomas Steger

Lang Rainhart
Visiting Professors

Prof. em. Dr. Rainhart Lang


Current position
Professor emeritus at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany

Academic Career
Studies in Economics and Business Administration at the University of Leipzig, Diploma in Economics and Business Administration (1976)
PhD. in Labor Economics and Work Science at the University of Leipzig (1980)
Habilitation in the department of Management and Organization at the University of Leipzig (1987)
Department head in a foundry at Leipzig (1979-1982)
Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in Work science, Management and Organization at the University of Leipzig (1982-1990)
Acting head of the chair for Economic Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Leipzig (1990 to 1992)
Professor in Organization Studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Chemnitz University of Technology (1992 up to 2017)
Professor emeritus, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Chemnitz University of Technology since 2017, still active in teaching and research

including aadministrative functions like
Vice Rector of Chemnitz University of Technology from 2000 to 2003
Dean BA program Business Administration at the faculty from 2006-2009
Dean of the Master program in “Management & Organisation Studies” from 2010 up to 2017

Education experiences
Teaching courses in BA and MA programs like General Management, and Strategic Management, Intercultural Management, Organizational behavior, Organization theory, Leadership and leadership theories, and HRM, in German and English language;
Consultant and tutor for ERASMUS students over 25 years
Supervisor for around 20 successfully finished PhD works, reviews for more than 40 PhD works in Germany and abroad with topics in a broad field of management, leadership and organization? ?
Head of several PhD committees of the faculty in the field of business administration, economics, law and management
Guest lectures in the Czech Republic (University of Economics Prague), France (ICN Business School Nancy/Metz), Hungary (University of Budapest, Business School), Lithuania (University of Siauliai), Poland (University of Lodz), Russia (University of Economics St. Petersburg) Slovenia (University of Maribor), Sweden (University Link?ping), and UK (University of Bristol, University of East London)
Since 2017 - Master courses in Leadership, Change Management and International management, supervision of BA and MA projects, seminar works, and BA and Master thesis

Research Topics

Research interests covers a wide range of topics in Organizations studies and Management, including Sociology and Psychology of Work, Organizations and Management. Main focus was, and is on:

Cultural change and organisational transformation
Transfer of management knowledge and practices across borders
Organization theories, especially, neo-institutionalism, theories of organizational culture and identity, theories of organizational transformation, power, and micro politics ?
Professional changes in HRM
Values, attitudes and behavior of managers in transforming societies
Leadership in new organizational forms, like networks of SMEs
Global and cross-cultural leadership (GLOBE co-investigator for Germany)
Leadership in Public sector organizations and female Leadership

Recent projects are
"Metaphors of leadership and implicit leadership theories"
"Professional developments and role changes in HRM"
“Publications on CEE management”
Second edition of ?Aktuelle Führungstheorien und -konzepte“ (German textbook with Rybnikova)

Former projects were for example
GLOBE Leadership project, Co-investigator GLOBE phase III for Germany
GLOBE-Student, international project on culture and leadership expectations in CEE countries, Initiator and Coordinator
Leadership practices in communal organizations: Comparing Lithuania and Germany
Steuerung und Führung in KMU Netzwerken (Management and Leadership in Networks of SME)
?konomische Eliten im s?chsischen Transformationsprozess (Economic elites in transformation processes in Saxony)
Wertorientierungen und zum Organisationsverst?ndnis der Führungskr?fte in s?chsischen Klein- und Mittelbetrieben (Values and implicite organizational and leadership theories of managers in Saxonian SME)


A number of edited books, and more than 100 book or journal publication in German and English since 1992, among them articles in refereed journals like International Business Studies, International Studies of Management and Organization, Journal of World Business, Human Resource Development International, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Journal of Cross- Cultural Competence & Management, Baltic Journal of Management, Gender in Management, and Journal for East European Management (JEEMS).
Selected Publications
Lang, R., & Steger, T., 2002, The odyssey of management knowledge to transforming societies: a critical review of a theoretical alternative. In: Human Resource Development International, 5(3), 279-294.
Steger, T., Lang, R., & Wagner, D., 2003, Es kommt immer auf den Standpunkt an! – Personalarbeit in Ostdeutschland unter unterschiedlichen kulturellen Perspektiven. In: Speck, P./Wagner, D. (Hrsg.): Personalmanagement im Wandel. Gabler: Wiesbaden, S. 361-387.
Steger, T., & Lang, R., 2003, Career paths of elite of former GDR combinates during post-socialist transformation process. In: Journal of World Business, 38 (3), 168-181
Hartz, R., & Lang, R., 2003, Zwischen Subjekt und Gesellschaft. Forschungsperspektiven des Wandels organisationaler Kontrolle. In: Moldaschl, M./Thiessen, F. (Hrsg.): Neue ?konomie der Arbeit. Marburg, 69-94.
Alt, R., & Lang, R., 2004, Transformation Research in East Germany: Institutions, Knowledge and Power. In: Clark, E., & Michailova, S. (Eds.): Fieldwork in Transforming Societies. Palgrave - McMillan, 114-135.
Lang, R., Alas, R., Alt, R., Catana, D., & Hartz, R., 2005, Leadership in Transformation – Between Local Embeddedness and Global Challenges. In: Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, 4, 215-246.
Lang, R., 2007, 2016: Transition Economies. In: G. Ritzer (ed.): The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Volume X, Blackwell: Malden/Oxford/Carlton, Sp. 5050-5054. ?
Steyrer, J., Schiffinger, M., & Lang, R., 2007, Ideal- und Realbild von Führung. In: Zeitschrift für Management (ZfM), 2 (4), 402-235.
Lang, R., Catana, A., Catana, D., & Steyrer, J., 2008, Impacts of Motives and Leadership Attributes of Entrepreneurs and Managers on Followers’ Commitment in Transforming Countries: A Comparison of Romania, East Germany and Austria. In: Jurczek, P., & Niedobitek, M. (Hrsg.): Europ?ische Forschungsperspektiven. Elemente einer Europawissenschaft. Chemnitzer Europastudien. Band 8. Duncker & Humblot, 109-137.
Lang, R., 2008, Stakeholder or Shareholder orientation? - Entrepreneurial Careers and Value Preferences of Entrepreneurs in East Germany. In: Bluhm, K., & Schmidt, R. (Eds.): Change in SMEs. Towards a New European Capitalism? Palgrave – McMillan, 77-98. ?
Steyrer, J, Schiffinger, M., & Lang, R., 2008, Organizational commitment – A missing link between leadership behaviour and organizational performance. In: Scandinavian Journal of Management, 29, 4, S. 364-374.
?Lang R., 2009, Organizational Survey. In Kühl. S., Strodtholz, P., & Taffertshofer. A. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Methoden der Organisations?forschung. Wiesbaden, 435-457.
Lang, R., 2010, ?Entrepreneurial Mindsets“ – Die Bedeutung von Werten, Motiven, Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen von Unternehmern in der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion und im interkulturellen Vergleich. In: Lang, R./Bank, V./Neubert, A. (Hrsg.): Gründerbezogene Entwicklungsprobleme junger Firmen in Sachsen und Tschechien. Hampp, 73-84. ?
Lang, R., & Rybnikova, I., 2010, “Global Leadership made in Germany?” Anforderung an Führung in Zeiten zunehmender Internationalisierung. In: Wagner, D./Herlt, S. /Hrsg.): Perspektiven des Personalmanagements 2015. Gabler Research, 87-118.
Steger, T., Lang, R., & Gr?ger, F., 2011, Expatriates and their role in the process of institutionalization of HRM practices in Russian subsidiaries of German MNCs. Baltic Journal of Management, 6 (1), 7-24.
Lang, R., & Rybnikova, I., 2012, Leadership is going global. In: Benscoter, G.M., Rothwell, W. (Eds.): The Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. John Wiley & Sons, 43-53.
Lang, R., & Wald, P., 2012, Convergence and Divergence of HRM Across Nations: Cultural and Institutional Influences. In: Benscoter, G.M., Rothwell, W. (Eds.): The Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. John Wiley & Sons, Vol. 3, 252-263.
Hartz, R., & Lang, R., 2012, "Frauenquote", Gleichstellung und ?gute‘ Führung – Ein kleiner Nachtrag zu einem Vortrag von Gertraude Krell in Chemnitz. In: Ortlieb, R./ Sieben, B. (Hrg.): Geschenkt wird einer nichts – oder doch? Festschrift für Gertraude Krell. Mering. Hampp, 189-194.
Wald, P. & Lang, R., 2012, Reorganization of HRM – Past, Present and Future. In: Benscoter, G.M., & Rothwell, W. (Eds.): The Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. John Wiley & Sons, Vol. 3, 173-180.
Lang, R., Szabo, E., Catana, G., Konecna, Z., & Skalova P., 2013, Beyond participation? - Leadership ideals of future managers from Central and East European Countries. In: Journal for East European Management Studies 18(4), 482-511.
Harsch, T., Lang, R., & Steger, T., 2014, Was sich Studenten unter einem idealen Führungsverhalten vorstellen. In: Personal Quarterly, 4, 39-45
Lang, R., 2014, Participative Leadership in Cross-Cultural Leadership Research: A Misconception?? In: Kranz, O., & Steger, T. (Hg.): Zwischen Instrumentalisierung und Bedeutungslosigkeit. Mitarbeiter-Partizipation im organisationalen Kontext in Mittel- und Osteuropa. München/Mering: Hampp. 77-92.
Lang, R., 2014, Diversity (Management) - ein neues Thema in Organisationstheorie und Organisationsgestaltung!? In: Gesmann-Nuissl, D., Hartz, R., & Dittrich, M. (Hg.): Perspektiven der Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Springer Gabler, 37-59.
Lang, R., & Rybnikova, I., 2014, Aktuelle Führungstheorien und –konzepte. Gabler.
Lang, R., & Rego, K., 2015, German Human Resource Management professionals under tensions: A Bourdieusian approach. In: Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 29(3-4), 259-279
Rybnikova, I., Toleikiene, R., Lang, R., & ?aparniene, D., 2015, Leadership in Local Government Organizations in Lithuania and Germany. In: Contingency, Behavioural and Evolutionary Perspectives on Public and Nonprofit Governance. Published online: 09 Nov 2015, 217-245.
Lang, R., & Baldauf, N., 2016, Interkulturelles Management. Springer Gabler.
Lang, R., & Rybnikova, I., 2016, Discursive constructions of women managers in German mass media in the gender quota debate 2011-2013. In: Gender in Management 31(5/6), 359-373.
Rybnikova, I., & Lang, R., 2017, Mikroperspektiven im Neo-Institutionalismus: Zur Rolle von individuellen Akteur_innen. In: Funder, M. (Ed.): Neo-Institutionalismus - Revisited. Bilanz und Weiterentwicklungen aus Sicht der Geschlechterforschung. NOMOS, 235-264.
Genze, W., Wawrousek, K., Lang, R., & Rybnikova, I., 2017, Führung von unten in der kommunalen Verwaltung: undenkbar und allgegenw?rtig? In: Personal Quarterly 69 (1), 20-25.
Lang, R., & Rybnikova, I., 2017, Corporate Social Responsibility Values of Managers in Transforming Societies. In: Nedelko, Z., & Brzozowski, M. (Eds.): Exploring the influence of personal values and cultures in the workplace. IGI Global.
Steger, T., Lang, R., & Rybnikova, I. (Eds.), 2017, Management in CEE countries between 1996 and 2016: Enduring and Emerging issues. Special edition of the Journal of East European Management (JEEMS), NOMOS.

For more research items including full text versions see www.researchgate.net/profile/Rainhart_Lang/research



University of Regensburg
Faculty of Business, Economics and Management Information Systems | Chair of Leadership and Organization

Team Quadrat

Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg

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