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Chair of Leadership and Organization - Prof. Dr. Thomas Steger

Kohlenbecker Heiko
External Doctoral Candidates

Heiko Kohlenbecker


Graduate Economist (Dipl. Oec) Heiko Kohlenbecker studied economic sciences from 2003-2009 at the University of Hohenheim (Universit?t Hohenheim), where on the basis of his outstanding academic performance he was added to the "Dean's List" of the University. During his studies, from 2005-2006 as well as 2006-2007, he was engaged as a research assistant in the Departments of Management, Human Resources and Organization. In 2009, after he wrote his thesis (Diplomarbeit) on the topic of “Post Merger Integration”, he graduated from the training program “JMP” at Robert Bosch GmbH and thereafter assumed his current position in Controlling.

Research Topics

Since 2011, Heiko Kohlenbecker is collaborating with the Department of Business Administration (Universit?t Regensburg) on topics dealing with leadership and organization as an external PhD candidate.



University of Regensburg
Faculty of Business, Economics and Management Information Systems | Chair of Leadership and Organization

Team Quadrat

Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg

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