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Structural Bioinformatics

photo rudack

Prof. Dr. Till Rudack

E-Mail: till.rudackATur.de

Phone: 0049-941-943-3048

Office:? WND E3_1.323

Welcome to the Structural Bioinformatics Group!

Prof. Dr. Till Rudack has been appointed to the professorship of Structural Bioinformatics as of 01.04.2023. The website of the group is currently under construction.

Here you can find the german website.

The overarching research goal of the group is to gain scale-bridging time-resolved atomic insights into the structure and dynamics of molecular machines. The derived insights into how molecular machines drive cellular processes provide insights into the fundamentals of life that are used for, among other things, the understanding of diseases, the development of drugs, therapeutic and diagnostic methods, and targeted protein design. To achieve these insights, we develop and use computational strategies that combine algorithms of biomolecular simulations, quantum chemical computations, and artificial intelligence with data from biophysical and biochemical experiments. Our strategies are applicable to almost all molecular machines.

Research interests:

  • Investigation of molecular mechanisms of oncological targets, e.g., the Ras protein, which is dysfunctional in about 20% of all oncological diseases, or the proteasome responsible for protein recycling, which is a drug target during chemotherapy.
  • Insights into the conversion of light into chemical energy during photosynthesis to breed more resilient plants in the long term that will sequester more CO2 and thus counteract climate change.
  • Investigation of RNA-protein complexes.
  • Develop hybrid quantum and molecular mechanical (QM/MM) methods to calculate physical properties of proteins. These methods are used to simulate fast processes with high spatial and temporal resolution and to validate them with experimental data, e.g. from spectroscopy.


We are always looking for motivated Bachelor and Master Students. Please contact Till Rudack if you are interested in joining the Structural Bioinformatics group.

Courses in the summer semester 23

??? 54260 Block Course/Lecture: Introduction to Molecular Modeling 06/19-23 daily from 10:00-17:00 (register by email by 06/12-23).
??? 54261 Seminar: Methods and Applications of Structural Bioinformatics
??? 54262 Seminar on ongoing scientific work in structural bioinformatics
??? 54246 Laboratory practical course: Sequence- and structure-based bioinformatics

Courses in the winter semester 23/24

??? 54133 Lecture: Statistics and Bioinformatics (together with Florian Hartig)
??? 54134 Tutorial: Statistics and Bioinformatics (together with Florian Hartig)
??? 54261 Seminar: Methods and Applications of Structural Bioinformatics
??? 54262 Seminar on ongoing scientific work in structural bioinformatics
??? 54246 Laboratory practical course: Sequence- and structure-based bioinformatics

Teaching functions

??? Responsible for the specialization module Bioinformatics of the Master of Biology
??? Conducting final module examinations

If you are interested in the courses please contact Till Rudack via email. Further information is available in SPUR and GRIPS.

  1. Uni Regensburg
  2. Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin