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Janine Schr?der, M.A.

Research Assistant

Janine Schr?der, M.A. Criminology and Violence Studies

Janine Schr?der??

Room:?PT 3.1.35
Phone: (+49) 941 943 3782
Email: janine.schroeder[at]ur.de

Office hours as of the summer semester 2023:

Please make an appointment via email.

Appointments are only made on Mondays and Tuesdays and are also possible by phone or Zoom.

Office hours in the winter semester 2023/2024:

Only via Zoom from September 2023 until January 2024!


Meeting-ID: 612 2671 8199
Code: 695067



Lecture series of the Master Criminology and Violence Studies: Politically Motivated Violence 2023
Methodological Approaches and Analysis of Social Movements and Political Protest (taught in English)? 2023
Introduction to Political Science Data Analysis (quantitative)? 2022
Introduction to Social Structural Analysis? 2022
Introduction to Political Science Data Analysis (quantitative)? 2022
Preparation for the Social Studies Examination Colloquium? 2022
New Right-Wing Movements in Germany - Theory and Network Analysis? 2021
Introduction to Data Analysis with R (quantitative) 2021

Research Interests

  • Politically Motivated Violence and Political Protest
  • Quantitative, qualitative, and computational methodology
  • Anti-fascism
  • Social movements
  • Stigmatisation and labelling processes


Conferences & Presentations

4th Scientific Meeting of the German Political Psychology Network in Bielefeld
“Right-wing Narratives in Social Online Networks”

Multiplier conference of the Institute for Quality Issues in the Bavarian Correctional System
“Issuing court orders after dismissal in the Bavarian forensic psychiatries”

Department IV of the Bavarian State Office of Criminal Investigation (State Protection)
“Politically Motivated Violence. A qualitative survey in the left-wing autonomous scene”


  1. Faculty for Philosophy, Art History, History and Humanities
  2. Institute for Political Science

Political Science Research Methods

Michaela Schmid

Building PT, Room 3.1.53
Phone 0941/943-3601