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Tassilo Heinrich, M.A.

Research Assistant, Workgroupmanager, Webmaster

Tassilo Heinrich, M.A.

Tassilo Heinrich

Building?PT, Room 3.1.34
Phone: 0943/943-3739
E-Mail: tassilo.heinrich[at]politik.uni-regensburg.de
Twitter: @tazzism

ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0003-4372-1943

Office hours summer term:?
Wednesday, 11 - 12 pm. Registration by Email is required.


Since 06/2016 Research Assistant at the Professorship of Political Science Research Methods (Prof. Dr. Melanie Walter-Rogg) of the Institute of Political Science of the University of Regensburg
10/2011 - 01/2016 Master of Arts in Empirical Democracy Studies at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
09/2012 - 03/2014 Student research assistant at the Dempartment of Empirical Political Science (Prof. Dr. Thorsten Faas) at the Institut of Political Science at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
10/2008 - 03/2012 Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (Major) and American Studies (Minor) at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz


Summer term 2018 Introduction to Political Data Analysis
Winter term 2017/2018 Introduction to Political Data Analysis
Can't Get No Satisfaction:?Satisfaction with Democracy and Democratic Attitudes in Comparative Perspective
Summer term
Introduction to Data Analysis with SPSS
Winter term 2016/2017 We in Europe: Political Support for the EU and European Identity


Dissertation Project

An Emerging Educational Cleavage? (Working Title)

Differences in Formal Education as a Source of Social and Political Cleavages in Modern Industrial Societies.

Research Interests

  • Research Methods
  • Political Sociology
  • Political Psychology
  • Political Attitudes
  • Comparative Voting
  • Democratization and Political Culture


  • Heinrich, Tassilo/Reinl, Ann-Kathrin (2018):?The Christian Democratic and the Christian Social Union: Party and Voter Shifts during the Chancellorship of Angela Merkel, in: ISI - Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren, Vol.60: 6-13. DOI:?10.15464/isi.60.2018.6-13
  • Belok, Felicitas/Heinrich, Tassilo (2017): Alles nur Show? Effekt des TV-Duells auf Performanz- und Positionssachfragen, in: Faas, Thorsten/Maier, Jürgen/Maier, Michaela (Hrsg.): Merkel gegen Steinbrück. Analysen zum TV-Duell vor der Bundestagswahl 2013, Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien: 125-138. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-05432-8_8

Conferences and Talks

  • The Union. Change and Vote Switching during the Chancellorshop of Angela Merkel.
    Presentation at the conference "Changing Voting Behavior and Party System - 40 Years of Politbarometer. Symposium on the 40th Year of Existence of the Politbarometer" organized by Forschungsgruppe Wahlen and GESIS at the Univeristy of Mannheim, November 23rd 2017.
  • Voting Behavior in Germany.
    Presentation at the lecture series "Democracy on Trial" organized by the students union of political science at the University of Regensburg, June 13th 2017.
  • Education and Political Participation.
    Presentation at the interdisciplinary seminar for doctoral candidates of the College for Doctoral Candidates at the Universit of Regensburg, December 5th 2016.


  1. Faculty for Philosophy, Art History, History and Humanities
  2. Institute for Political Science

Political Science Research Methods

Michaela Schmid

Building PT, Room 3.1.53
Phone 0941/943-3601