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Hotels in Regensburg

All participants are responsible for their own accommodation.

We did reserve a block of single rooms in the following hotels:

Apollo Hotel
Neupruell 17
D-93051 Regensburg

Please book online until February 5, 2018, and enter the Promotion Code "Geometric evolution equations". Costs per night inclusive breakfast, free use of sauna and swimming pool:

Single room 70,00 €/75,00 €

Hotel Wiendl
Universitaetsstr. 9
D-93053 Regensburg

Please book until February 5, 2018, and mention "Geometric evolution equations" in your reservation.? Costs per night inclusive breakfast:

single room? - 61,50 €

double room - single use 68,50? €?
???????????????????? - used by two persons? 83,00 €

M¨¹nchner Hof
T?ndlergasse 9
D-93047 Regensburg

Please book online until February 5, 2018, and enter the Promotion Code "Geometric evolution equations". Costs per night inclusive breakfast:

Single room 70,00 €

To find additional accommodation, please check the website of the?Regensburg Tourist Information?.

Download hotel list


Faculty of Mathematics

Geometric Evolution Equations

March 5, to March 8, 2018

Email to

saskia.lindenberg "at" ur.de