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International Spring School on Causal Fermion Systems 2018

A new approach to fundamental physics

The theory of causal fermion systems is an approach to describe fundamental physics. It gives quantum mechanics, general relativity and quantum field theory as limiting cases and is therefore a new candidate for a unified physical theory.

The school gives an introduction to the mathematical framework and the physical concepts behind the theory. Furthermore, we explain recent developments in the following directions:
?? ?? analysis of minimizers of causal variational principles
?? ?? effective field equations and dynamics of solutions
?? ?? non-regular geometry and quantum geometry
?? ?? link to classical field theory and quantum field theory

The school is addressed to master and PhD students in theoretical physics and mathematics.

Date and Place:

February 26 - March 2, 2018 ?????? University of Regensburg, Germany

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Cfs Spring School 2018 Poster


CFS School 2018

Feb 26 - March 2, 2018

University of Regensburg, Germany


Cfs School 18 - Composition2



Felix Finster

Johannes Kleiner

Andreas Platzer