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Chair Prof. Dr. Alexander Hellgardt


The chair conducts research in the field of private law, corporate and financial market law and jurisprudence.

The main research areas are:

  • Steering effects of law
  • Basic questions of private law
  • Corporate and capital market law
  • Financial market regulation
  • Legal philosophy
  • Legal theory
  • Economic analysis of law

Complete list of publications Hellgardt


If you are interested to write a PhD in one of the Chair's main research areas under the supervision of Professor Hellgardt, you must fulfill the formal requirements of the University's PhD program. Please note that the thesis must be written in German (exceptions are possible but very limited). If you need more information or want to apply, please write an e-mail to lehrstuhl.hellgardt@ur.de.

PhD-theses completed under the supervision of Prof. Hellgardt

-? Martin Freytag, Verm?genstrennung bei True Sale Verbriefungen, Nomos (Baden-
?? Baden) 2021

- ?Jakob Baumgartner, Die Bilanzierung unsicherer steuerlicher Positionen, Springer
?? (Wiesbaden) 2022

-? Matthias Nowak, Vorstand und Digitalisierung, Nomos (Baden-Baden) 2022

- Victor Jouannaud, Gesetzesvorbehalt und richterliche Rechtserzeugung im
?? Privatrecht – Eine nach Rechtsfunktionen differenzierende Betrachtung 2024

- Insa Tilk, Konzernleitungsrecht in der Europ?ischen Union 2024

- Alexander von der Wense, Aufsichtsrat und Digitalisierung – Die Professionalisierung
?? der ?berwachungskompetenz durch intelligente Assistenzsysteme 2024


Chair of Private Law, Corporate Law and Jurisprudence